how is that even possible (1/3)

179 7 49

03 / 19 / 2024

credits to lolabfbfan for a chapter idea lmao thanks dude this story sucks ass and i need to come up with a new idea right after i publish a chapter lol

anyways uhh tpot 10! wow my boy tree can finally rest again😞😞😞 me when i turn into some big ass tree in the middle of the canal

this chapter will be all about black hole


Marker is now online.

Marker: Tree's finawlly back yaye!!

Marker: Tree

Marker: let me tag

Marker: Tree Tree Tree hi

Lightning and Tree are now online.

Lightning: omg doctor come quick grampa's finally awake

Tree: Lightning. I just came back and now you're treating me like shit.

Marker: so funnel

Pie and Remote are now online.

Lightning: sorry grampa😞😞😞dont take my candies please💔💔💔💔

Pie: bro why does some random pi guy have crazy beef with me

Pie: they keep telling me crazy shit

Pie: oh hey Tree

Remote: Hello, Tree.

Tree: Kill yourself.

Marker: 😨

Remote: Wtf Tree. I hope you wake up in the middle of the woods limbless and find out that one of your organs is missing you stupid asshole I never thought I'd say this but tbh you're an annoying piece of shit.

Tree: Stop trying to have beef with me?? That message was meant for Lightning. 💀

Remote: Oh.💀💀💀

Lightning: no grampa

Black Hole and Fanny are now online.

Black Hole: Glad that you're back, Tree. You have no idea how much we've missed you. Yes, everyone. Including your friends, our friends, my friends, everyone. Me, Bottle, Fanny, Lightning, Marker, Pie, and Remote. We missed you so much.

Pie: dude bh i wanna ask you something since you seem,, and look mature

Black Hole: You calling me old?


Tree: BH needs to improve his education LOL💀💀💀💀💀


Tree: No.

Pie: how tf do you type youre literally just a black hole

Remote: Good question!

Black Hole: You don't need to know that.

Marker: but we wanna knwo

Lightning: he probably has invisible hands😐😐😐😐

Black Hole: No I don't, stop falsely accusing me.

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