1. Meet Cute

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Age- 18 years

After graduating from high school, I wanted to go on a small getaway trip to the hills. Well that, and also I hate being at my fucked up house with my parents so I just thought why not go on this trip that my bestfriend (Isha) her boyfriend (Raghav) and his bestfriend (Aditya) were going to. Of course I won't be the 'Kebab mein haddi' because anyway I like to be alone so I'll chill by myself leaving them for their sweet romantic times and the other guy I barely know can do whatever. As cliche as it sounds, I do not believe in love. It's not a guy broke my heart that made me think like this. Why would a need a guy to break my heart when my own mother could do it effortlessly? Then she'd suddenly act right and break my father's and my heart all over again. Pretty much summed up my childhood lol. The only thing I inherited from my mother is a billion health and mental issues. My biggest fear in life is to end up being like her. Fuck, NO!

So yeah I decided to come on this trip to Kasol. It's a pretty short trip. We are are for 2 nights and we decided to do some activities on the first day and chill around the town on the last day. We are staying in camps near riverside. Apart from us, there is a noisy college group is staying here and some groups of people who came on their own like us.

First day went by pretty quickly. We did a small trek to see a beautiful waterfall, then in the evening we did river rafting which was pretty fun. We all were tired after the activities so we came back to our camps to rest. The couple shared a tent and Aditya and I were staying in 2 separate tents. He asked if I wanted to share with him, but I refused since it's weird you know. After resting, changing and stuffing ourselves with food, we decided to have a few drinks by the riverside.

Ayesha's outfit

We were just chilling and having our drinks when the college group approached us to join them as they were having a bonfire thingy and a sort of party

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We were just chilling and having our drinks when the college group approached us to join them as they were having a bonfire thingy and a sort of party. We agreed and went with them. The atmosphere was pretty chill. Everyone seemed pretty drunk of high, even. We all started swaying with the music and vibing.

"Hey, you ok? Do you want to go back to the tents?" Isha asked me as I was kinda drunk at this point.

"No, I am good. Will stay here for a while. You guys can go if you want."

"Come on Ish, let's go. Adi is here, he'll keep Ayesha safe." Raghav said looking at Aditya with a glint of mischief in his eyes. He keeps saying that we both should date and stuff. He seems like a great guy but I have my reasons to stay away from these things so, no thanks. I've made it pretty clear to all of them but they keep thinking that maybe I'll change my mind.

I scoffed internally thinking I do not need him to keep me safe. Whatever let him think whatever I don't give a shit. Isha was a bit hesitant to go but agreed eventually as I assured her I'll be back soon.

"Wanna dance?"


Soon Aditya and I went amongst the group of people who were dancing and started dancing. We both started dancing with random strangers and it was pretty fun until I felt someone staring at me from distance. He was cladded in a leather jacket, white tshirt and jeans. Messy hair, brown eyes - he looked like a typical fun loving ladies man, a very handsome one I must add. He was standing with a group of around 5-6 people. There was guitar lying next to him. With a cigarette in his hand, his eyes never left mine.

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