Chapter 20

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Deep end by Felix <3

Deep end by Felix <3

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Felix was cold. He has left his leather jacket inside, had no time to grab it. And now as he sits on sidewalk, with Yeji hovering over him, he is shaking.

He does want to see him, though. Too much happened in such a little span of time and honestly, Felix was craving his comfort. Before, he wanted to feel loved, to be touched and cared about by someone. But lately it has changed. He did not want just anyone to do all those things... He wanted him.

Felix takes a deep breath, holding his legs against his chest, desperately trying to keep himself warm. He felt like throwing up, he was disgusted in himself because of what happened. 

He looks up, staring into darkness of the night and imagining that Hyunjin would magically appear from that side bushes. He has spent last few minutes planning what he would say, or how the meeting would go after months of not seeing each other.

But everything went differently than what he had planned.

Felix's vision got blurred and he had to put his hands around his head and rest it on his knees. He basically sat there like snowball. Suddenly someone's hand gently caressed his back.

"Felix, Hyunjin will be here any minute, but I have to go back inside...I think it's my turn on stage." Yeji carefully says, receiving only a nod by Felix.

As Yeji heads back inside, Felix's mind feels foggy and distant, his thoughts swirling in a maelstrom of confusion and exhaustion. He struggles to focus, his body feeling heavy and disconnected from reality.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cuts through the haze, sending a shiver down Felix's spine. "Where did you escape?" The voice is low, sends alarm bells ringing in Felix's mind, his heart pounds in his chest as he turns to see the stranger from the bar standing before him.

The stranger's grip tightens on Felix's arm as he drags him to his feet, his movements rough and forceful. "Come on, sweetheart, we're going to have some fun upstairs."

Felix's mind screams in protest, but his body remains frozen.

Panic surges through him as the stranger pulls him towards the entrance of the hotel, each step feeling like an eternity as Felix's world spirals into darkness.

~ warning, this can be triggering for some of you ~

He found himself on the unfamiliar bed once again, feeling how cold air brushed against his bare skin. He wanted to scream, run away, but he couldn't move an inch. Felix didn't drink that much to feel effects like this. IHis minds wandered to every sip of his drink at the bar,  remember if he ever gave the stranger the opportunity to get close with glass.

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