Chapter 6

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Snap Out Of It - Arctic Monkeys

Snap Out Of It - Arctic Monkeys

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leaving book shop, holding a book wrapped up in paper bag. It suddenly started to pour down, because of that I am hugging the book tightly in my arms, so it won't get wet. However, I myself am getting soaked as I run into couple of rain puddles on the sidewalks.

I didn't really know why my first thought after that event in university, was to rush to bookstore and grab something called Spring Without you. When I finally found it on bookshelf staring at me, I couldn't help but read the first and last page. Because that was little habit of mine when it came to reading something I had no idea about.

First line read: "To the person who was in front of me, but I couldn't even say I love you."

wow, depressing. I love good cry while reading books, but I never imagined book Hyunjin wrote would be that kind. The writer seemed too careless, sometimes making me question if he had any real emotions, but as I stood there, between the bookshelves, with pink covered book in my hands, before I knew it, I was looking at the last page.

there was nothing there, but two sentences in the middle of the page that read:

"Spring is the season that I couldn't give you as a gift.

I didn't like that."

I would lie if Isaid that even with my History final coming up, I was rushing home to read the whole book in one night. Main thing I wanted to know is if Hyunjin wrote it from his experience. if that was a case, I felt deep envy for a guy. I had this thing, where broken guys attracted me, though it never ended well for me.

I finally get to my apartment, which is filled with chaos. Annie is with his boyfriend in kitchen, it seems like they are cooking dinner, but aren't really good at it, since they are surrounded by smoke and smell of burnt food.

"Annie, I thought you wanted to cook, because you knew how to cook." I tell her. Jisung was just standing there, with apron and pan in his hands. Looking like a kid, who just got caught making a mess. Same goes for Annie.

"I do." She says with not very convincing tone. I take pan from Jisung's hand and place it on the oven.

"Just clean everything and we will order food-" I start saying but someone's gasp interrupts me. I look back to the door, where Minho is frozen in one frame. I just know shit is about to go down, so i gently take off my coat, trying to mot make much noise, since Minho literally looks like he will jump at anyone who irritates him even slightly more. I slowly take my book from the counter, where I placed it few minutes ago and go upstairs on tip toes.

"I will kill you." I hear Minho's voice, which makes me chuckle, but that smile doesn't last long, because I'm met with familiar silhouette in my room.

He probably didn't hear me come in, since  he was too invested in my book collection. Hyunjin was sitting on the floor, next to the pile of books, and had my last piece of snack between his teeth, slowly going through pages and nodding slightly.

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