Chapter 40 | Spending The Day on a Hotel Bed

Start from the beginning

"But your dad did tell you about it, right?"

"Suddenly! Suddenly telling me about it like it's a rumor he just remembered is what's irritating!"

Kuroo pulled back a little when your voice suddenly raised, but seeing your flushed face and drowsy expression, he figured you were just being swayed by your emotions from being drunk. That's expected, since the bottle of rum was already almost empty.

"So.. Sorry... Didn't mean to shout..." You mumbled. "But what's worse... is that after suddenly telling me all those... he just suddenly wants me to move in with them here in Kyoto! Suddenly wanting to take me back, like he didn't abandon me months ago!"

Hearing you repeat the same word, he had understood your frustration over the fast escalation of the things that happened.

"No way! No way am I moving with them! Ahhh... I don't know anymore...!" You continued to ramble repeating words that he could barely understand, but Kuroo still stayed and listened to you, making you assured that he was there.

You finally stopped asking for more drink, even almost dropping the remaining contents of your half-empty glass to the bed if it weren't for Kuroo's fast reflexes. He took the glass from you and placed it above the nightstand along with the bottles of rum and cola, then taking your hands in his.

"Whatever you want to do or whatever you want to happen, I'll be there to support you. I'm right here." He uttered comfortingly, gently squeezing your hands before intertwining your fingers together. "Take some time to think things over and understand your own feelings... You don't need to lose yourself in confusion."

Although you couldn't understand anymore half of what he was saying due to the influence of the alcohol, somehow, his voice and the warmth of his hand made you relax. Your heart was able to feel what he wanted to convey, and calmed you down.

"Kuroo..." You turned to him, vision slightly swirling that kept you from seeing his expression clearly. Because of crying and drinking, you were already feeling tired and sleepy, but was still fighting it and trying to stay awake. "There's just... one thing I'm sure of..."

"Hmm?" He knew you were already drunk and was close to sleeping, and he could just force you to go to sleep. But he wanted to stay and listen to everything you wanted to say. He wanted you to feel that he'll always be patient with you, that he'll stay by your side specially on times you need him the most.

"I def..tely dun want to move in with zem..." You shook your head, trying your best to look in his eye despite the swirling of your vision, as if wanting to make him feel your sincerity. "Not becuz I hate zem... or anything, buuut..."

"Because I want to stay with you... Kuroo." A smile escaped your lips as you looked at him with half-lidded eyes. "I wan.. be with you..."

His heart fluttered the moment he heard what you uttered, and redness crept up his cheeks. He didn't expect you to say something like that, so it completely caught him off guard. The way you forced yourself to say it while looking at him despite being so close to passing out made him so happy. He wanted to cry from happiness, for being lucky to be the person you fell in love with.

He couldn't stop himself from smiling warmly as he watched you. Your eyes gave up and closed shut, and your body fell forward, finally succumbing to sleep, but he quickly caught you to an embrace. Kuroo couldn't calm his heart from racing, and it felt like he would explode any moment now.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Even though knowing you can't hear him anymore, those words still left his mouth. "I really, really love you... so..."

"I'll make sure..." Your boyfriend carefully settled you down on the bed, a look of adoration and love filling his eyes as he kept them on you. He gently brushed your hair aside from your face as he bent down over your figure, softly planting his lips on your forehead.

Before moving away, he added in a whisper, "...That when you wake up, things will be better. So have a good sleep for now, darling."

The feelings he had conveyed reached you even through your sleep, giving you a sweet and nice dream that let you have a peaceful slumber. Neither the anxiety in your subconscious thoughts nor the effects of alcohol to your body disrupted you, and you woke up hours later feeling calm and relaxed although with a little hangover.

You felt your head aching before even opening your eyes, and your vision was slightly swaying the moment you did so, so it took you a few minutes to realize that you were already awake. Once you did, you glanced around, taking another while to recollect your memories of the recent events.

You weren't wearing your glasses so it was blurry, but you still managed to see Kuroo sitting on a single couch just a couple of meters away from you. He was focused on the movie playing on the TV, but the moment he noticed your movement from his peripheral vision, he instantly turned to you as he expressed a smile.

"Good morning... or evening, I guess. You slept for 6 hours, princess. It's already 8pm."

"Kuroo..." You sat up as you uttered his name, then taking your glasses from the nightstand to put it on for a clearer vision. "I'm hungry..." You groaned, pressing on your temple as it ached.

He chuckled. "I know. I'll order you something."

"Ah... Thanks."

You watched him as he went and spoke through the room telephone, noticing how he seemed to be in a good mood. It made you frown and worry wondering if he went to have fun by himself somewhere while you were asleep. It gave you an unsettling feeling.

Sighing, you shook your head to yourself before grabbing your phone, and seeing the message notification from your dad's number, your heart beat started to quicken from nervousness. You didn't have the courage to open and read it knowing how angry he might be after what happened earlier, and at the same time, you were also upset towards him for the same reason.

"Delivery would take at least 30 minutes, do you want to have something to drink while we wait?" Kuroo snapped your anxious thoughts from forming and stole your attention back from your phone. He immediately notice the worry on your face, so he sat down by the edge of the bed and placed a hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner.

"What's wrong? Feeling sick?"

"Kuroo... did you..." You chewed on your bottom lip, averting your gaze from him as you stopped yourself. What were you doing while I was asleep? You wanted to ask, but you held back, not wanting to seem like you were doubting him. "No, nothing."

"Hmm?" He looked at you worriedly, moving closer as he cupped your cheek, gently turning your face to look at him. "Is something bothering you?"

Your heart raced from the sudden closeness, but mostly because of how pure his eyes looked, how it reflected you and gave you a sense of trust. It melted your doubts, as if his eyes were telling you that you're the only one he looks at.

"It's... just dad. He seems to have sent me a bunch of messages earlier." You muttered, moving your gaze down on your hands that held your phone in between. "Actually, I haven't read them... But I'll do it now."

Kuroo smiled and nodded as he moved back a little, sliding his hands down to hold yours as he gave you a comforting squeeze. "Alright, take your time. I'll just be here."

You appreciated him for being there, and it was only because he was there with you that you were able to muster your courage to open the inbox. At least ten or more messages from your father was sent continuously, and as you read them, your eyes widened in disbelief.

"For... real...?"

To Be Continued

Last 4 chapters! :)

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