| Epilogue |

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October 28, 2015
Tokyo, Japan
(L/N) (Y/N), 3rd Year College

"Thank you, Keiji-kun." You smiled gratefully at the younger male, your eyes blinking sleepily and tiredly. "Take care on your way back."

"No problem. I'll go ahead, (Y/N)-san." The black-haired male nodded, and you watched as he got back in the same taxi that brought you back home.

Your head was spinning, and you were really thankful that the male had taken you home considering you were already staggering. It was a huge coincidence that he was at the birthday party of a college friend, and that was when you learned that you were attending the same college and course, although a different major.

There was a lot of catching up, although you never really had much of a conversation with him in the past. He mostly asked you about how a certain someone is doing, and when he noticed you were pretty drunk already, he presented on taking you home.

Fidgeting with your keys, you inserted the right one on the key hole of your apartment, smiling playfully as soon as you opened the door. "I'm homeeeee!" You slurred.

A tall, fairly built man peeked from the kitchen, a forced irritated smile on his face. "Welcome home, my (Y/N)-chan."

You cringed, knowing full well that he only addresses you with such honorific when he's pissed. As you took off your shoes, you strode towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Are you angry?" You pouted, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes.

"Take a guess." He turned away from you and gave his attention back to the (Favorite Pasta) he was cooking.

You sniffed, smiling even more as you recognized the mouth-watering smell. "My favorite!" You exclaimed, clapping your hands cheerfully.

Kuroo sighed, heading to the fridge as he poured a glass of water for you. "You didn't tell me you were going out for a drink." He uttered. "You know I'm not banning you from your love for alcohol but didn't we agree that you'd always tell me if you were drinking? And that I'll pick you up." He frowned at you, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he waited for your response.

"It was sudden! And my phone battery died before I could text you—"

"Excuses." He cut you off, turning back to the stove again as he stirred the simmering sauce. "No one can lend you their phone so you can at least text me?"

"C'mon, I'm sorry..." You pouted. You didn't wanna admit that after all these years, you still haven't memorized his number. You're bad at numbers, after all.

"So? Who took you home?" He glanced at you, a brow raised in question. "I know you can't go home alone when you had drinks."

"Oh, about that! I met one of your high school friends!" You enthusiastically replied, making him curious on what got you so excited. "You know, the setter in Fukurodani? Keiji-kun!"

He frowned even more. "Keiji? First name?"

"He told me to call him that when he introduced himself again!" You defended, standing up abruptly which made you stumble forward, but you were able to grip on the edge of the table to keep you balanced. "Since I kind of forgot his name. You're not thinking of anything weird, are you?!"

"No." He muttered, biting his lower lip as he averted his gaze from you. "It's just that you forgot what day is it today."

Your energy died down, and you tilted your head to the side in question. "Today...?" You thought hard, and realization slowly downed on you, making your eyes widen. "I didn't forget, I swear!"

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