Chapter 8-Fateful Night

Start from the beginning

"Why is taking so slow to work? It was just fine a month ago," he heard the man say. "What have you been up to you overgrown lizard?"

The drae growled menacingly as a response.

"No matter. You will be back under the gem's control soon enough—"

Alec pounced, wind rushing past his ear as he aimed for the man's neck. He heard a curse as the man turned and blocked his attack with his dagger. Alec pushed, causing the man to stumble away from the drae. He rammed his shoulder against the man, finally taking him down on the snow. Straddling his waist, Alec aimed for his neck. He missed and pierced the man's shoulder instead.

"Get off!" the man shouted. The gem glowed.

A roar came from behind Alec, then a loud flap of wings. He had just enough time to raise his arms as a large leather wing threw him off the man. He flew through the air and landed against the tree with a groan.

"What the Blazen! What are you waiting for? Kill him!"

His drae roared, his entire body shaking as he resisted the order. Still, whatever the gem was, it was powerful enough the make him open his snout. Alec saw the red fiery glow from his throat as it aimed its breath towards him. He tried to move, but he still needed a few more moments to orient himself.

As the breath attack finally finished, the red drae jerked his head towards the direction of the man. A torrent of crimson-hot flames poured into the forest, melting the ice and singing the trees.

"Enough!" The man shouted. He went and grabbed Alec by the collar and pointed a knife at his neck. "You seem to be fond of this one. If you continue to resist, I will kill him."

The red drae roared in anger. His body still shaking from its resistance against the power of the gem. Alec had finally shaken himself out of his daze, he twisted and tore himself out of the man's hold. He dived for his knife and turned around to attack. He stopped when the drae pounced on the man and immediately opened his mouth for another breath attack.

"You leave me no choice!" As the man said that, he broke the red gem in his hand. Alec watched as the gem on his drae's forehead exploded. He stood frozen as the most agonizing roar of pain tore itself out of the drae's mouth. It stumbled and staggered away, bleeding from his head and shouting in pain.

Alec saw red. This man must die. This man must die. This man must die.

His leg lashed out, connecting with the person's back. He ran to the cloaked man who lay flat on his stomach. He flipped him over, the action causing the hood to fall away from his face. The first thing to catch his eye was the scar that ran down the side of his right lip. Angry green eyes glared into his light blue ones. In a split second, a punch hit Alec's stomach, and he found himself pinned on the snowy ground with the person above him. He tried to wriggle free, but the cold metal on his neck made him pause.

"What did you do to my obedient pet, you bastard?"

"He's not a pet!"

The man laughed. "On second thought, it won't matter. He's as good as dead now."

Alec shouted in anger and pushed at the hands holding the knife to his throat. But it was no use. The blade slowly started to dig into his skin, drawing blood. Is this how I die? Helpless and unable to save the one I care about again?

"Die," the man said. Alec's eyes widened and he freed one of his legs from beneath him. But before he could do a thing, a foot connected with his attacker's face. He watched as the man rolled off him from the force and fell to the cold snow a few feet away.

"Alec!" his head whirled to the side. Gael Fenrin bent down and held one of his shoulders as his brows knit in concern. "Are you alright?"

He coughed and clutched his neck, vaguely noticing Kreis Hildegen and the other Ryders charging towards the enemy. He turned to the cloaked man, not answering Gael's question. He saw that the man had stood a few feet away with his hood back on, shielding his face from view. He heard him curse at the sight of numerous people before he ran for the cliff.

"After him!"

Alec soon ignored them all, as his focus turned to the drae lying a few feet away from him. He staggered to stand, vaguely noting the help Gael Fenrin gave him. He inched his way towards his drae, and soon fell on his knees in front of his large head.

He took a sharp breath at the large gaping hole on the drae's forehead where the ruby crystal had been. It bled so much, covering the entirety of the drae's face, making his crimson scales even darker. Alec reached to stop the bleeding but he despaired. There was nothing he could do for his friend and companion. His vision turned blurry as tears started to pool in his eyes

A weak growl came from the creature, seeming to feel Alec's despair. Alec leaned forward to hug his head, blood covering his entire body as he did so. "Please...please...don't...You still haven't picked a name. I've...only chosen far." he choked out. Don't leave me.

The drae leaned closer into his embrace, nuzzling his chest in the process. It growled. Somehow, Alec understood. "The only name I have here is Crimson," he said. "It's...stupid. I told you, I suck at names. It's way too simple for such an amazing creature like you. A name from the color of your scales." And now the color of your blood.

He stilled when the drae let out a happy growl. It was weak, but still a familiar happy sound. "You actually like it, Crimson?" He said through a choked laugh. "If so, I should've just called you that sooner." That way I would've called your name a lot.

A rumble came from Crimson's chest. It was a sound he made every time he thanked Alec for a meal. "It's me who should be thanking you," he whispered. "When you came and stuck to my side, I didn't feel so alone like before. You made me happy, even's only for a short time."

He felt the weight of Crimson's head sag onto him, his breathing slowly coming to a still. "Thank you so much, Crimson. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.," he whispered.

Alec held on to Crimson, never minding his legs slowly growing numb from the cold. He caressed his snout and ran his hand to the spot between Crimson's already closed eyes. . Crimson looked so at peace like he had just fallen asleep. Tears finally escaped his eyes

Alec held him tighter, trying to hold in his sobs, but failing soon enough as a wail of anguish tore out of his chest. Why did the things he loved kept getting taken from him? Was he cursed? Was he not allowed to be happy? Why? He continued to cry. But in his heart, the cold fire of fury replaced his anguish as he thought of the man who did this to Crimson.

He will pay.


*bracing myself for the comments* 

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