Chapter 13-Phage

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"Here it is. This is where Neelix was standing when he was attacked. According to his tricorder log he was scanning this rock face when he detected the life sign." said Harry in the cave.

"Neelix said there was a life sign two metres behind this wall, but my tricorder says there's nothing but solid rock for another fifteen metres." said Kathryn. 

"Sounds like our tricorders aren't giving us the real picture behind what's going on here." said Harry. 

"Wait a minute. The rock is warmer here." replied Janeway scanning a different rock face, Harry walked over to her.

"You're right, Captain. There's a two degree differential in this section of the wall." he said. 

"There are no natural geological phenomena that could be creating this heat source." said Tuvok, "let's make a little heat of our own." said Kathryn.

The four line up in the cavern entrance and fire phasers at the rock face. The tunnel appears.

 "There was a highly sophisticated forcefield in place." said Tuvok. 

"There's a chamber down this corridor." said Kathryn, the three start walking down it.


"Doc, I think his cellular toxicity level is rising." said Tom.

"It's up to thirty two percent. Lets see if we can stabilise those levels. Get me a cytoplasmic stimulator." answered the Doctor.

"We don't have one." said Kamisa, the Doctor nods.

"Then replicate one." he said.

Tom hesitates.

"The design schematics are in the ship's medical database." said Kamisa seeing his hesitation.

"Right." he said leaving.

"The man drives a seven hundred thousand ton starship so somebody thinks he'd make a good medic." said the Doctor.

Kamisa chuckles at the sarcasm in the Doctor's tone, before standing up and turning to him.

"What if I donated a lung to Neelix?" Kes asked.

"A transplant is not an option. No one on board is a compatible match for a Talaxian." said the Doctor.

[Doctor's office]

The Doctor walks past his office to where Tom is using the replicator. 

"We're going to need a completely new way to oxygenate his blood supply and relay neuro-electrical impulses. Our replicators can't produce compatible artificial organs for him, but maybe there's a way to mimic their functions and give us direct control of his respiratory system. Computer, is there an identification matrix on Mister Neelix from the last time he used the transporter?" asked the Doctor. 

"Affirmative." said the Computer.

"Transfer it to console four." said the Doctor.

Tom and the Doctor return to the ward, Kamisa followed them. 

"What are you doing?" asked Tom.

"I'm using the transporter matrix to get exact specifications for Neelix's lungs." said the Doctor.

"I thought you just said we can't replicate his lungs." said Kamisa.

"We can't. But if I can reconfigure my emitter array I might be able to create a pair of holographic lungs for Mister Neelix." said the Doctor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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