Chapter 6-The Caretaker

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The away team are going up an escalator when the pulses stop. "Away team to Voyager." said Kathryn "Voyager here." said Rollins over the combadge. "What's going on with the array?" Kathryn asks.

"It's no longer sending out pulses, Captain, and it appears to be realigning its position." Rollins says on the Bridge reading something on one of the screen's "keep me informed. Janeway out." said Kathryn over the commlink.

"They haven't been at the clinic for hours." said Kes walking over to her Ocampa friends. "We can search the city. Ask if anyone's seen them." suggested Daggin. "If they were trying to get to the surface, how would they go?" asked Kathryn "probably the same way I did. Up one of the ancient tunnels." said Kes "Mister Paris, you and Neelix go with her and start checking them out. We need to talk to every doctor and nurse at this hospital, see what they can tell about Torres, Kamisa and Kim." said Kathryn.

There is a loud bang and the settlement shakes. "Voyager to Janeway." said Rollins "go ahead" said Kathryn. "Captain, the array is firing some kind of weapon at the surface. It seems to be trying to seal the energy conduits." said Rollins "understood. Keep a channel open." said Kathryn.

"If the array is the Ocampa's sole source of energy, why would the Caretaker seal the conduits?" asked Janeway "he would seal them if he no longer intended to use them, to protect the Ocampa from their enemies. Captain, there is now enough evidence to form a reasonable hypothesis. I believe that the Caretaker is dying." said Tuvok "explain." said Kathryn. "First, he increases the energy supply to provide the city with a surplus to last at least five years. Then he seals the conduits. The logical conclusion is that he does not intend to continue his role as Caretaker." said Tuvok. "That doesn't necessarily mean he's dying. He could be leaving." suggested Chakotay. "Doubtful. Not after a millennium of providing for these people. I believe that the Caretaker owes something to the Ocampa. I believe the debt that can never repaid is very likely a debt to them. In addition, there were his frequent references to running out of time. I think he knew his death was imminent." said Tuvok "if he dies, how the hell are we supposed to get home?" asks Kathryn.


Tom uses his tricorder to scan for lifesigns in one of the tunnels. "They're in this one. Harry, Kamisa! Paris to Janeway." said Tom over the comlink "Go ahead." said Kathryn. "They're in one of the tunnels, Captain. I can't see them, but they're up there. We're going after them." said Tom.

Back in the Ocampa settlement "call for transport when you have them, Paris. We'll meet you on the ship." said Kathryn. "Janeway to Voyager" said Kathryn on the comlink "Voyager here." said Rollins. "Three to beam up." said Janeway "stand by." said Rollins.


On the Bridge of Voyager, Rollins tries to get a lock on the team.

"Captain, I can't get a lock on you." said Rollins.


Back in the Ocampa settlement the away team is waiting for their transport back to the ship.

"The weapons fire from the array has irradiated the planet's crust." said Rollins.

Kathryn sighs "The transport sensors can't find the breaches in the security barrier." said Rollins.

"Come on. There's only one other way out of here." said Kathryn the away team follow her.

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