Chapter 3-The Caretaker

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Voyager sweeps between plasma streamers as Tom, Kamisa and Harry enter. Janeway and Cavit are at the Tactical station, Kamisa takes her seat, Tom stands beside her. "Plasma storms were measured at levels three and four." said Rollins. "The Cardassians gave us the last known heading of the Maquis ship, and we have charts of the plasma storm activity the day it disappeared. With a little help, we might be able to approximate its course." said Kathryn.

Kamisa frowned she didn't like Cardassians it's not very well known but the Cardassians tried to take over Romulus when Kamisa was around three, it was strange having a Starfleet Admiral for a mother but never living on Earth only on Romulus. "I'd guess they were trying to get to one of the M-class planetoids in the Terikof Belt." said Tom making Kamisa snap out of her thoughts "that's beyond the Moriya system." said Cavit. "The plasma storms would have forced them in this direction." said Rollins. "Adjust our course to match." said Kamisa, she knew she like Cavit could give orders even with Kathryn on the Bridge.

"Aye, Ma'am." said Stadi. "The Cardassians claimed they forced the Maquis ship into a plasma storm where it was destroyed, but our probes haven't picked up any debris." said Kathryn taking her seat "a plasma storm might not leave any debris." suggested Tom. Kamisa looked at him "We'd still be able to pick up a resonance trace from the warp core." she said. "Captain, I'm reading a coherent tetryon beam scanning us." said Harry. "Origin, Mister Kim." said Kathryn. "I'm not sure. There's also a displacement wave moving toward us." said Harry. "On screen." said Kathryn.

The viewscreen shows a narrow band of energy heading towards them. Kamisa stood up and walked to the viewscreen to get a better look. "Analysis." said Kathryn. "It's some kind of polarised magnetic variation." said Harry. "We might be able to disperse it with a graviton particle field." said Cavit. "Do it. Red alert. Move us away from it, Lieutenant." said Kathryn.

Kamisa stands next to Tom "don't you want to sit down?" he asked, Kamisa just shook her head. "New heading, four one mark one eight zero." said Stadi. "Initiating graviton field." said Cavit. "The graviton field had no effect." said Harry. "Full impulse." said Kathryn. "The wave will intercept us in twelve seconds." said Harry. "Can we go to warp?" Kamisa and Kathryn asked "not until we clear the plasma field, Captain." said Stadi. "Five seconds." said Harry. "Brace for impact." said Kamisa, Kathryn sat down in her chair as Tom held onto something. "Three." said Harry. 

Cavit is sent flying across the bridge as the wave hits. White out. The bridge is a mess with broken conduits and shorting cables. Kathryn checks Cavit for a pulse. Nothing. "Report!" ordered Kathryn. "Hull breach, deck fourteen. Comm. lines to Engineering are down. Trying to re-establish." said Harry. "Repair crews, seal off hull breach on deck fourteen." said Kamisa, the crew had been informed that they were going to have a Second Officer on board whom they had to listen to even if the Captain was around. "Aye, Commander." said a crewwoman. "Casualty reports coming in. Sickbay is not responding." said Rollins. "Kamisa, you're acting First Officer" said Kathryn, Kamisa nods before speaking over the comm. badge. "Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, can you hear me?" she asked, Kathryn turned to Tom who was with Stadi "Paris, how's Stadi?" she asked. "She's dead." said Tom. "Captain, there's something out there." said Harry.

"I need a better description than that, Mister Kim." said Kathryn. "I don't know. I'm reading. I'm not sure what I'm reading." said Harry. "Can you get the viewscreen operational?" asked Kamisa. "I'm trying." said Harry.

A space station with four arms upper and lower, and two larger ones centre, appears on screen. It is firing energy pulses in one direction, away from Voyager. "Captain, if these sensors are working, we're over seventy thousand light years from where we were. We're on the other side of the galaxy." said Harry. Kamisa and Tom look at each other in shock. After Voyager moves in closer to the station and finds the little Maquis ship, the dead and injured are being stretchered off the bridge. "I'm not reading any life signs on the Maquis ship." said Harry. "What about on that, that array?" asked Kathryn. "Our sensors can't penetrate it." said Harry. "Any idea what those pulses are that are coming from it, Mister Kim?" asked Kathryn. "Massive bursts of radiant energy. They seem to be directed toward a nearby G-type star system." said Harry. "Try hailing the array." said Kathryn. "Engineering to Bridge. We have some severe damage. The Chief's dead. Possibility of a warp core breach." said Carey. "Secure all engineering systems. I'm on my way." said Kathryn. "No response from the array." said Harry. "Ensign, get down to Sickbay. See what's going on. Kamisa, the Bridge is yours." said Kathryn. "Aye, Kathryn." said Kamisa, Harry headed for the turbolift, Kamisa decided she wanted to go with her friends "mister Rollins the Bridge is yours" she said as Tom followed Harry "Harry, wait for me." he said, Kamisa followed Tom.

Sickbay is on fire and everyone is dead, Kamisa looks around in shock. "They must have been right next to the console when it exploded." said Tom, Harry gets asbestos gauntlets and an extinguisher and puts the fire out.

Kathryn walks into engineering and pins her hair back up and enters. Something goes bang. "Warning. Warp core microfracture. Breach imminent." said the Computer. "What's the warp core pressure?" asked Kathryn. "Twenty one hundred kilopascals." said Carey. "Lock down the magnetic constrictors." said Kathryn. "If we lock them down at these pressure levels, we might not be able to reinitialise the dilithium reaction." said Carey. "Warning. Warp core microfracture. Breach imminent." the Computer said again. "We don't have a choice. We've got to get the reaction rate down before we try to seal it." said Kathryn.

"Computer, initiate Emergency Medical Holographic programme." said Harry walking somewhere in sickbay. Kamisa and Tom looked as a balding human male appears. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." said the Doctor. "Multiple percussive injuries." said Harry. "Status of your doctor?" asked the Doctor. "He's dead." said Harry. "Point four cc's of trianoline." said the Doctor. "Trianoline?" asked Harry as Tom and Kamisa place a patient on the biobed. "We lost our nurse too." said Tom. "How soon are replacement medical personnel expected?" asked the doctor. "That could be a problem. We're pretty far away from replacements right now." said Harry. The doctor gives one man a hypo then hands it to Harry. "Tricorder." said the doctor, Harry hands him a tricorder, Kamisa hands the doctor a medical tricorder as she walks past with a hypospray, Tom looked at her confused, Kamisa shrugged "I used to be Chief Medical Officer on my previous posting on the USS Phoenix." she said, Tom looked at her amazed, she went from a Chief Medical Officer on the Phoenix to Chief Engineer on the USS Endeavor to Second Officer on Voyager. "A replacement must be requested as soon as possible. I am programmed only as a short-term emergency supplement to the medical team." said the doctor snapping Tom out of his shock "well, we may be stuck with you for a while, Doc." he said "There's no need for concern. I am capable of treating any injury or disease. No concussion. You'll be fine. Clean him up." said the doctor.

Harry, Kamisa and Tom look at each other, Kamisa snaps into action.

In engineering Kathryn talks to Carey. "Unlock the magnetic constrictors." she said. "Constrictors online." said Carey. "Pressure?" asked Kathryn. "It's working. Twenty five hundred kilopascals and holding." said Carey. "Bridge to Janeway. We're being scanned by the array, Captain. It's penetrated our shields." said Rollins. "What kind of scan? Bridge? Janeway to Bridge, respond." said Kathryn when Carey vanishes "initiate emergency lock-off." he said.

Kathryn vanishes.

In sickbay, Harry, Tom and Kamisa help a man onto a biobed as the doctor examines a woman on the next one. "You're not seriously hurt. You can return to your station." he said. She starts to sit up and vanishes. Then everyone else vanishes too. "This is the Emergency Holographic Doctor speaking. I gave no permission for anyone to be transported out of Sickbay. Hello? Sickbay to Bridge. I believe someone has failed to terminate my programme. Please respond." said the Doctor.


Next part might be out tonight or tomorrow.

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