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Kamisa is my Romulan female OC character, she's the Second Officer of the USS Voyager which was odd for a Romulan.

Kamisa forms several bonds with fellow crew members her strongest being with Tom Paris who like her sometimes feels like an outcast.

Kamisa like B'Elanna struggles to accept herself for who she is as a Romulan, so B'Elanna, Tom and Harry help her accept herself.

Kamisa and Tom get together around season 3, Blood Fever I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that cause I can't find out anything about how Romulan's mate.

Tom and Kamisa have their first child, a son in 2374, Kamisa tells Tom that she's pregnant when, she, him and B'Elanna are close to suffocating. Kamisa decides she doesn't want her son or any of her future children with Tom to have Romulan names.

I can't find anything about Romulan gestation periods either some I'm gonna make them pregnant for seven months.

That's it really.

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