Chapter 1-The Caretaker

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Unhappy with a new treaty, Federation Colonists along the Cardassian border have banded together.

Calling themselves 'The Maquis', they continue to fight the Cardassians.Some consider them heroes, but to the governments of the Federation and Cardassia, they are outlaws.

A massive Cardassian ship is firing at a tiny little vessel. "Damage report." said Chakotay, he seemed to be a Native American with a tattoo on his forehead above his right eyebrow. "Shields at sixty percent." said the Vulcan, he was named Tuvok and was actually undercover. "A fuel line has ruptured. Attempting to compensate. Damn it! We're barely maintaining impulse. I can't get any more out of it." said B'Elanna, she was a half Klingon half Human, raised on Kronos the Klingon homeworld "be creative!" snapped Chakotay, "how am I supposed to be creative with a thirty nine year old rebuilt engine?" asked B'Elanna "Maquis ship, this is Gul Evek of the Cardassian Fourth Order. Cut your engines and prepare to surrender or we will d..." said Gul Evek on the viewscreen, Chakotay cuts the transmission. 

"Initiating evasive pattern omega. Mark." said Chakotay, "shields at fifty percent." said Tuvok. "I need more power if we're going to make it to the Badlands." said Chakotay, when B'Elanna came up with an idea. "Take the weapons offline. We'll transfer all power to the engines." she said, "considering the circumstances, I question that proposal at this time." said Tuvok. "What does it matter? We're not making a dent in their shields anyway! You wanted creative." said B'Elanna. "Tuvok, shut down all the phaser banks. If you can give me another thirty seconds at full impulse, I'll get us into the Badlands." said Chakotay. "Phasers offline." said Tuvok.

"Throw the last photons at them and then give me the power from the torpedo system." said Chakotay. "Acknowledged. Firing photons." answered Tuvok, two torpedoes explode against the Cardassian ship. "Are you reading any plasma storms ahead?" asked Chakotay. "One. Co-ordinates one seven one, mark four three." replied Tuvok. "That's where I'm going." said Chakotay sitting back down in the pilot seat "plasma storm density increasing by fourteen percent. Twenty. Twenty five." said Tuvok. "Hold on!" said Chakotay.

The little ship dodges around the plasma streamers. "The Cardassian ship is not reducing power. They're following us in." said Chakotay. "Gul Evek must feel daring today." remarked Chakotay. "they've taken a hit on their port blade. They're sending out a distress signal on all Cardassian frequencies." said Tuvok. "Can you plot a course through these plasma fields, Mister Tuvok?" asked Chakotay.

"The storm's activity is typically widespread in this vicinity. I can plot a course, but I'm afraid it will require an indirect route." said Tuvok "we can use a time to make some repairs. What was that?" asked Chakotay. "Curious. We've just passed through some kind of coherent tetryon beam." said Tuvok.

"Source?" asked Chakotay. "Unknown. Now there appears to be a massive displacement wave moving toward us." said Tuvok, Chakotay frowned "another storm?" he asked. "It's not a plasma phenomenon. At current speeds, it will intercept us in less than thirty seconds." answered Tuvok. "Anything left in those impulse generators, B'Elanna?" Chakotay asked turning to B'Elanna. "We'll find out." the woman in question quips "still exceeding our speed." said Tuvok. "Maximum power." said Chakotay. "The wave is continuing to accelerate. It will intercept us in eight seconds. Five." said Tuvok. Everything goes white.


Inmates are busy constructing something. They all wear ankle-tags. One young man is up a piece of scaffolding using a laser-like device. "Tom Paris?" a woman asked, causing a blond blue eyed man to look up, the woman was in a Starfleet issued uniform, Tom noticed she had the four pips of a Captain. "Kathryn Janeway. I served with your father on the Al-Batani. I wonder if we could go somewhere and talk." she said aft "about what?" Tom asked "about a job we'd like you to do for us." replied Kathryn "I'm already doing a job for the Federation." said Tom in response. "I've been told the Rehab Commission is very pleased with your work. They've given me their approval to discuss this matter with you." replied Kathryn. "Well then, I guess I'm yours." said Tom.

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