A blast to the past.....

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Skye: "blank"
Liliana: ^Blank^
Mich: -Blank-
Braydon: <Blank>
Kai: ×Blank×
Unknown: +Blank+
Texting: °Blank°

Ughh why did she have to be here! She's a fucking teacher!!!
I continue to walk away before I bump into someone which causes me to snap out of my thoughts "Shit! Sorry!" I step back and run my head before I look up to the guy in front of me Oh shit. shit. shit. shit.
<Well lookie who we have here~>
I quickly back up and try to run away too my friends but I am pulled back by my arm
<How silly of you to think that I will let you run away again sweetie~>
"L-let me go Braydon!"
Why the fuck can't I act confident in the one moment I need it most!
<I don't think I want to sweetie~>
I try to push away but he continues to hold me tightly against him
<Stop resisting sweetie. You know you like it.>
Tears start to form in my eyes as Braydon kisses me forcefully
Not again. Not again. Not again. Not again.
I push Braydon off of me before running away with tears rolling down my face
<I'll find you again sweetie and you know that!~>
I run out of the house and sit down by a tree and I tuck my head into my legs
Not now. Not again. Please calm down. Please calm down. Please calm down.Please calm down. Please calm down.
My breath gets unsteady and everything around me starts to get blurry
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Everything starts to sound muffled as I mumble to myself
"It's fine. It's fine. He isn't here. Your fine. Your fine."
Someone touches my shoulder causing me to jolt and freeze up
I can barely hear them but I can enough that I can tell that someone is talking
I sense someone sit in front of me
I jump into my best friend's arms as she rubs my back
^Im here don't worry... Just take some deep breaths^
I start to pace my breathing
^Good job, now do you want to talk about what happened?
I nod my head and climb out of Lili's arms
"So... I saw my ex... You know... The one who kidnapped me and didn't let me see my family for years until his parents found me tied up in their basement"
Lili's eyes grow with anger
^I will have to hold back from killing him until I get you back to the dorms^
I chuckle a little as Lili helps me up and calls an Uber for us

-When they got back to the dorms-

Lili walks me back to my dorm before going back to the party
Bing Bing
I take my phone out of my pocket and look at my notifications
Oh it's Mich!

°Hey I heard you had to leave the party! You ok?°

°Yep I'm fine 😁°

°I can come hangout with you at your dorm if you want!°

°If you want to but if you want to stay at the party you can!°


°Kk 😊°

I put down my phone with a smile

Word count: 531

A/N: I know this is a lot shorter than what I normally write but I also have had writers block but I really did want to add more to the story!

(Also I might start a new story soon!)


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