The meeting...

18 0 0

Skye: "blank"
Liliana: ^Blank^
Mich: -Blank-
Kai: ×Blank×
Rebecca: 'Blank'
Texting: °Blank°

Me and Lili walk down the grand staircase to the dorm common room
Holy shit that is a lot of people.... Me and Lili stand at the top of the stairs in our matching outfits



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All eyes are on us as we walk down the stairs not showing any fear Even though I am not showing any fear I am fucking terrified there is so many people just staring at us

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All eyes are on us as we walk down the stairs not showing any fear Even though I am not showing any fear I am fucking terrified there is so many people just staring at us.... Then I spotted her across the room...

Lili looks at me and realizes that I am very red and staring at something I feel so out of place just looking at someone who looks like that Lili looks at where I am looking and shove whispers to me ^Her name is Mich hun^ All of a sudden Lili shoves me towards her and I stumble making myself look like a gay mess "H-hi!" I awkwardly wave to Mich Oh shit why did I say that I sound so weird I really just wanna run away right now but I can't.......

-Hey?- I stand there blushing Shit how do you talk to good looking people I hold out my hand to shake and Mich takes it "My name is Skye! I was wondering if you would like to hangout sometime because I really like your style!" I put on my confident no fear smile to convince her Shit I am going to be so fucked if she says no because everyone is staring

Mich's POV

Who the fuck is this girl and why did she just randomly approach me? Whatever she does seem too bad so I'm just gonna act like this isn't weird at all I nod confidently -Yeah that sounds nice! Actually there is a coffee shop I have been meaning to go and check out so I'll meet you here after classes and we can walk there together-
"Y-yeah that sounds great!"

Skye's POV

I run away to Lili and hit my head into her shoulder "If I didn't get that hangout I would have killed you asshole...." Lili pats my head and I start to relax ^Well you did so I'm not dying today^ I steal the coffee out of her hand and waterfall a sip "Your lucky I fucking love ya bitch" I give Lili back her coffee and make my way back up the stairs to my dorm Ughhh why did she have to shove me I was a complete mess over there I unlock my room and flop on my bed leaving the door open I hate this already but I am going to be here for another four years All of a sudden I hear someone walk up to my doorway and lean against the door frame ×Nice ass hot stuff~×
I quickly jump up off my bed and hide my ass as I see my ex In the doorway "Kai!?!??!" I go and try to slam the door but Kai stops the door before it closes ×You really think you can get away from me?× I kick her enough that she will move back and I slam my door and lock it before going over to my bed and screaming in a pillow Why is she here?!?! She graduated before me and said that she was moving to Florida! All of a sudden I hear a knock on my glass door that leads to my empty balcony and look to see literally the only highschooler that I will ever be able to deal with again "Rebecca!!" I open the door and pull her in and we laugh 'Hey dude!'
"Hey! You are just the person I needed right now! My ex is outside my door so I can't leave but I need my phone so can you like go grab that pleaseeeee"
Rebecca chuckles a bit and steps back out on my balcony and starts to lower herself down 'Sure man!'

Twenty minutes later

Knock Knock I open my door and my ex is bruised up on the ground and my phone is on the ground with a note on it
Sorry man but I had to go because I was about to get caught but see you soon -Becca
I smile to myself and grab my phone and throw some first aid at Kai for when she wakes up
Huh what's this?
°Hey I got that girls number for you pookie° Oh it's Lili I enter the girls number and text her
°Hey this is Skye from the common room!!°

A/n: Thank you so much for reading! This is my first story so tell me if there is anything you would like me to do differently with my stories!


ord Count: 798

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