The arrival...

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Skye: "blank"
Liliana: ^Blank^
Marcus: 'Blank'
Texting: °Blank°

Beep Beep Beep I slap my alarm and throw off my blankets "Today is the day" I whisper to myself You see today is the day I am leaving this hell hole of a town and moving into my college dorms!
I quickly jump out of my bed and throw on the outfit I picked for today before grabbing my bags and running down the stairs "Hello Marcus." I roll my eyes as I see my mom's boyfriend laying on the couch with a bottle of beer before I make my way to the kitchen where my mom is preparing breakfast "Does he really have to go with us" I roll my eyes at the thought of being in the same car as Marcus for three hours For some reason my mom has insisted on driving me to my new campus and taking Marcus with us

My mom simply nods her head as she hands me my plate of pancakes "Ok..." I eat my pancakes at the table as Marcus walks over 'Heya Kiddo!' I finish my plate and ignore Marcus as I grab my things and put it in the back of my mom's car If you can't tell already I hate Marcus with a passion seeing as he is the whole reason I don't see my dad anymore Marcus ofcourse finds his way outside to bug me and as he walks over to me he just kinda screams my name 'Skye!' I roll my eyes and turn to him as he throws his arm around me 'How would you like it if I gave you some driving lessons on our way to your new school!' I quickly shove Marcus away and roll my eyes "Not happening." My mom comes out side with us and tells Marcus that I am still just not used to him Little does my mother realize I am never going to be used to Marcus I hop in the back seat of my mom's car and put in my headphones as my mom and Marcus get in and start the car and start driving me to my new campus

-Two hours in-

Bing My best friend Liliana texts me °Hey Pookie when are you gonna be here I already got my dorm and I checked that we were gonna be next to each other!° I quickly text Liliana back °I'll be there in like an hour but thx for making sure we were!° My mom looks back and asks •Who are you texting?• "Just Lili she said that our dorms are right next to each other!" Marcus rolls his eyes as I mention Liliana because he hates her for yelling at him for making me lose contact with my dad and touching me

-One hour later-

As we pull up to my campus I have my face pressed up against the glass with excitement "Mom it's huge!" My mom nods as she stops in front of the large steps and I jump out of the car "I can't wait!!" Marcus walks over and puts his hand on my waist and nods but luckily Liliana runs down the steps and glares at Marcus making him let go ^Bestie!!!^ I run and hug Liliana "Lili!!" My mom hands me my bags and nods walking back to the car with Marcus "Bye mom I love you!" Lili grabs one of my bags and leads me to my new dorm "Wow!" Lili leads me to a dorm room that is huge "Its huge!" Lili nods ^I had my dad pull a few strings for us and he paid for us to have huge rooms!^ I hug Lili tightly "Thank you!" Lili nods and starts helping me unpack as I touch everything the dorms come with it such as the custom kitchen and bathroom that ties in with all my stuff I brought from home that Lili sets up for me "Lets go see your room!" I run out of the room to the door right next to mine as Lili unlocks it and reveals a very chill and pretty dorm "It's so pretty!" Lili nods as she leans in her doorway say I get mesmerized by her room "Ok enough of our dorms let's go meet some people!"

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