A Pure Soul

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Warning!!! Contains the contents of dying people & People who suffer trauma from assault or abuse. May be difficult for those who have lost loved ones. Ariana will experience the contents of Death.

Azzy's Rules:

1) Do not touch Azzy. Touch the glove.
2) Do not wander far. To be protected by Azzy.
3) Do not get near Azzy's Scythe. You will die.
4) If Azzy says Run! I Run.
5) Do not argue or fight souls.
6) Wear Special Cloak (Piece of Fabric from Azzy's Cloak)
7) Questions will be answered after Soul has been collected
8) Do not speak, console, or steal from the Living.
9) Do not try to change Fate. What is written to happen cannot be changed.
10) No keeping souls that are animals.

Ariana wrote down the Grand Grim Reaper's rules. Today, they will be traveling to many places. Since Albus and Gellert have gone, and will remain gone all day. Ariana had begged her peculiar friend to take her on a fun journey.

Azzy had to explain his work to Ariana. He doesn't consider his work to be called fun, but rather a normal routine. Ariana thought differently; therefore, she convinced Azrael to take her.

Azrael took out the Book of Death from his sleeves. "Lesson 1: All souls in the Book of Death must be collected. No exemptions. Every soul must be fairly judged, no matter how corrupted the soul is," Azrael began to teach her about his position as Grim Reaper.

Grim Reapers are guardian souls dedicated to collecting souls for their next journey. Many carry sharp weapons to combat aggressive souls.

Azrael read the first soul he would be collecting. "A Lost Soul," the tall figure gathered as Ariana heard. He looked at the wall clock in the living room. Time nearly approaches for the first soul.

"It's nearly time. We must go," Death alerted the youngest Dumbledore. Ariana tried on the invisible cloak, Azzy gifted her. Azrael had his black leather gloves on, and Ariana grabbed his hand. This is the first time the two held hands.

The Angel of Death opened his large black wings. Ariana viewed a dark space without light. Only distant stars could be seen. Millions, if not trillions of stars were viewed in a dark space in the universe.

She blinked to appear in a dimly lit room, an ill boy lying motionless on his bed, his labored breaths the only sound in the stillness. His once vibrant eyes are now heavy with exhaustion, gazing out at a world slipping further away with each passing moment.

As the veil between life and death grows thin, a sense of quiet acceptance settles over the room. The boy's breathing slows until his final exhale to a whole new view.

The child's soul remained silent staring at the two strange figures near his bed. Ariana's gentle presence approaches with a soft smile. In her eyes, there is understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the boy's pain and his impending journey.

"Can I go with my mom?" The boy asked after comprehending the skeleton and girl were his guide.

Death gave him a nod," She is waiting." Hearing his reply, the boy felt more comfortable. Ariana understood the boy's wishes, as she too wanted to see her mother.

"Wait for me outside," Azrael instructed Ariana. Ariana watched the Angel of Death open his wings. The last thing she saw was a bright light emerge from the room. Healthcare providers rushed in as she exited the clinic.

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