The Divine Tree

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Once on the Greek island of Amorthia, lived a young brave prince, Elio, the half-mortal son of the Sun God Helios. At a young age the prince l witness the unpeaceful ambiance among the inhabitants of Amorthia. Due to the discussion about which God is powerful. Half of the inhabitants adored Helios, while the other half prayed for the Moon God, Hyperion. This argument led to a war in the sky, gods vs gods.

News about the war in the heavens, led war among the mortals in the island. The war amongst the heavens continued while the mortals battle withdrew due to the aftermath of the war. The nation on the island divided, in the west nation the loyal people of Sun God loved. On the east side of the nation, lived the faithful people of Moon.

Both nation quietly lived their hatred for each other, there this upset Elio. He remembered the peace in the world, before the war broke out. Therefore, as a young prince he tried his best to treat everyone equally, despite the dispute among the two nations.

"I don't understand?" Ariana said, after reading a chapter of the story. Azzy gave her a book to read, a story about the Divine Tree with magical healing abilities and resurrecting the dead.

"Humans have their ways involving themselves to war. They led the gods have a war, The Grim Reaper said.

"No. I mean, what does this have to do with the Tree I am helping grow?" Ariana did not seeing the connection of the story to her growing Tree.

"What does it say next?" Azreal wanted Ariana to continue with the story. As further reading the story will help her understand the Trees purpose.

The young prince, Prince had enough with war, and decided to join the Moon festival Ball. He planned to dress up in disguise and talk to the ruler of east nation. He attended the Ball wearing a mask to hide his identity from people who would want to cause him harm.

The ball was filled with joy in celebration of Hyperion's blessing for the first east nation. The people would pray and send their offering to the Moon God. Elio and his friends blended in the crowded ball. Elio had found the leader, but his eyes also caught the beauty of beautiful young maiden, Neoma.

Neoma, is part of the maiden group of  young devoted worshipers of Hyperion. Her beauty is recognized by the goddess of love. Her talented voice and dance pleases the moon god, who favors her.

Elio had completely forgotten about his mission, his eyes stared at Neoma walking away. He couldn't resist to follow her.

"Is this a true story?" Ariana wondered if these characters exist. As not many wizards believe the gods exist.

"If it wasn't, I wouldn't have you read it," Azreal said. He knows more about them, because he has met them.

Ariana continued to read.

He managed to find her alone, far from where the ball was held. He watched her pray inside an abandoned temple. She prayed to a broke statue of a goddess. He was moved by her words praying for peace among the entire island of Amorthia. So, Elio joined her in praying to the goddess.

The goddess hearing the couples prayer appeared to them. She introduced herself as Eos the goddess of Dawn. She granted her assistance in helping the couple bring peace in Amorthia and gods.

Neoma mentioned  about the upcoming plague in the island that could lead the extermination of the people. Elio knew about this disease spreading, he worried about the people of Amorthia not surviving.

Therefore, the goddess granted them a mission to collect apple seeds of various trees. She warned them that they had three days to gather all seeds or else the prophecy of the island dying of a plague becomes true.

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