Unbreakable Vow

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"Gellert, we stand at the precipice of history. Our dreams, our ambitions, they can reshape the world. But we must ensure our loyalty to each other, beyond any doubt or hesitation." Ariana overheard her brother from her room.

Ariana quietly peeks into her brother's room. Gellert, unwavering nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Albus. Our alliance must be unbreakable, our unity absolute. We shall forge a bond that transcends time and space, a testament to our shared vision."

With a solemn nod, Albus withdrew his wand, its tip glowing with a faint, ethereal light. "Then let us seal this pact in blood, a testament to our unwavering commitment."

Gellert mirrored Albus's gesture, his wand shimmering with a dark, ominous aura. "So be it, Albus. Together, we shall wield the power of destiny itself."

Ariana stood silently in confusion, as they made an incision on their palms, allowing drops of their blood to mingle and intertwine in a mesmerizing dance of crimson and silver. Their blood merging, a surge of magic was felt in the room, sealing their bond with an unbreakable enchantment.

Inside her head, Ariana heard laughter," They did an UNBREAKABLE VOW." Ariana felt the darkness inside her amused. Ariana backed away, she quickly headed outside.

"Unbreakable vow?" Ariana felt confused, she couldn't comprehend why her brother would do such a thing to mix his blood. "A blood pact that cannot be broken," the voice inside her explained.

"What happens if it breaks?" Ariana asked as she headed to the forest.

The darkness inside her chuckled," If a person breaks the terms of the vow, they suffer excruciating pain or die"

"No!" Ariana wanted to prevent that from happening.

"It's too late!"

"No, there must be something I could-"

"Nothing can be done. As long as they don't break their promise, nothing shall happen to them. Unless they drift apart, then one of the boys should suffer through-"

"I get it!" Ariana didn't want to think about the rest. "I believe my brother and Gelley would not stop being friends. As long as I am around, I will make sure they will forever be friends." Ariana would make sure the two boys continue to be friends.

"That's if, you live long enough. With me inside you, you have a short time. It's a waste to be in this small pathetic town. Come on, let me out! " The darkness inside her tried to persuade.

"Nope! We are staying," Ariana declined her obscurial request.

"Stupid girl"

"I am not stupid," Ariana corrected.

"Who told you, you are stupid?" Ariana heard another voice behind her. She turned surprised to see Gellert speaking to her. He hadn't spoken to her in days since Hallow's Eve.

"The stupid voice inside my head," She answered.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME STUPID." The little voice inside quickly felt offended.

"Well, you started it," Ariana spoke in mind. She focused her conversation with Gellert, who tried to understand her level of craziness, as it was completely different than his.

"I know you saw, Silver" Gellert explained his reason for talking to her. He hadn't approached her in a week since their first kiss. "I don't want you to tell anyone," Gellert wanted her to keep it a secret.

"I know how to keep secrets, Gelley. What bothers me is why you and my brother would do such a thing. A blood pact to never go against each other seems silly to me."

"It's not silly," Gellert remained serious. Ariana shook her trying to head inside. He grabbed her hand, "You wouldn't understand," he looked straight into her eyes.

"Try me," Ariana wanted to understand him. Gellert took a sigh before explaining," I want to prepare a world free for wizards to do anything. To express themselves, to no longer fear hiding, and to live their lives peacefully from the monsters. All they do is yearn for more power for themselves, and countless lives were buried for their successes."

"Who are they?" She wondered who Gellert referred to as monsters.

Gellert grabbed her shoulders, pressing her close," Muggles. Those same muggles that have hurt you. That has left you and your family destroyed. They have messed with your lives, and look where it has led," Gellert wanted her to understand him. He wanted her to join him willingly.

Gellert pushed him back," You think I am a mess?" Ariana felt hurt.

Gellert realizing his poor choice of words said," Ariana, you know what I meant. You lost your parents. They have led you to have no ability to use magic. You cannot wonder without Albus supervision. If it weren't for them, your life would be different." Gellert pressured her emotions.

Her eyes watered resisting the pain she was feeling inside. "If my life were different, I wouldn't have met you, neither would Albus."

Gellert remained quiet, realizing her words may be true. If Ariana hadn't become an obscurial, she would have gone to school. Her parent would be alive and with her. Albus would have already traveled part of the world. She and Albus wouldn't have met Gellert, who may ended up alone in Godric Hollow.

"So, don't you dare say my life is a mess, because it isn't. I know I can not do things like normal people would. But as long as I live, I will do my best to live a joyous life," Ariana stood firm. She has understood Azzy way of comprehending human life. In this world, people feeling pain is part of life, but another part of life is finding happiness.

Ariana looked at her tree," Sometimes, bad things happen for a reason, but that doesn't mean one can never be happy. Blaming others would mean you will never find the peace you seek," Ariana patted the cold soil. She had forgotten to bring the bucket of water from inside her home.

Gellert used his wand to enchant water to her tree," I guess you're right." The two watch the Silver Tree grow two inches more. "How long will it grow?" Gellert asked the length of the tree.

"Not sure, but I do hope the apples will grow soon," Ariana can't wait to see the magical apples. In a pile of leaves, she falls into them. Her cute giggles caused him to land beside her. He began to throw her a couple of leaves, as he laughed at her.

Her warm smile, flustered his heart to confess his true feelings. "I'm sorry," Gellert instantly regrets hurting her feelings. He no longer wanted to fight her.

"I forgive you," She grabbed his hands.

He placed her hand on his chest, as they stared at the gray clouds in the sky, "I promise Albus to never fight him. Now I want to promise you something," his actions grabbed her attention.

"I, Gellert Grindelwald, promise to help you find your happiness." His hearty words surprised her. "And, I, promise you the same," Ariana stares at him in great promise. He smiles hearing her words," Then, never leave me," Gellert replies. A strong wind blows the leaves around them, leaves dancing around them, flying largely in the sky.

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