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"When my sister was six years old, she was attacked, set upon, by three Muggle boys. They'd seen her doing magic, spying through the back garden hedge: she was a kid, she couldn't control it, no witch or wizard can at that age. What they saw scared them, I expect. They forced their way through the hedge, and when she couldn't show them the trick, they got a bit carried away trying to stop the little freak doing it."

- Abeforth Dumbledore


Ariana Dumbledore quietly hummed as her mother Kendra braided her hair. Ariana patiently waited until her mother finished her hair.

"May I go outside, mummy?" little Ariana asked her mother.

"Just a minute," Her mother said before placing a ribbon on both of her braids. She kissed her daughter's hair," Just in the garden," Kendra allowed her daughter to roam in the backyard.

"Ok, mummy," Ariana hopped out of her bed and rushed outside to the garden.

She sat in the garden playing with the flowers. Without knowing how to control her magic, Ariana developed a flower to grow from her hand. She was amazed and curious by the magic she performed. She was not the only one that saw the flower grow so quickly.

"What do you have their freak?" one town's boys said. Two of his buddies entered the garden with him.

"I am not a freak!" Ariana covered the flower to her chest.

"We saw what you did with that flower," the other boy spoke to Ariana.

"Yeah, show us," the third boy grabbed her hand as the second boy snatch the white lily from her.

"Let me go! You are hurting me," Ariana said to the third boy gripping her wrist. Two of the boys examine the flower.

"She is a freak!" The second boy said to his two friends.

"No, I am not!" Ariana denied.

"You are a freak! Only freaks do freak things," The first boy that spoke to her said.

"I am not. I am normal," Ariana did not know she is a witch. She thought she was a regular girl; she didn't know the difference between magical and non-magical folks.





"I AM NOT A FREAK!" Ariana screamed. Her mother Kendra rushed into her room. She found her daughter curled up shaken in fear. Tears streamed remembering the pain she left that day.

"I AM NOT A FREAK! I AM NOT A FREAK! ..." Ariana kept repeating to herself. Her mother pulled her Ariana close to her," Ariana, it was a bad dream. You must understand..."

"I AM NOT A FREAK! I AM NOT A FREAK, MUMMY!" Ariana interrupted her mother. Her episode had begun to get violent.

"Calm down, sweetheart," Kendra kept trying to calm her daughter.

Ariana's fear kept growing, and so did her magic. She couldn't calm down. Her mother's voice was becoming distant as the voice in her head intensified.

"I AM NORMAL!" Ariana screamed. The magic inside her exploded.

Kendra's body collapsed in her bed. Ariana's eyes heavied with the exhaustion of the magic released. Ariana leaned toward Kendra's cold body. "Mummy..." Ariana muttered before her eyes shut.

Once her eyes shut, a hooded figure appeared in the bedroom holding a scythe. The skeletal figure saw the spirit of the woman staring down in tears at her daughter.

"Kendra Dumbledore," Death took out a notebook with her name, containing every information about her. Knowing it was Death, the woman looked at the skeletal figure. She wished she could stay longer to care for her daughter. Now, she can only hope that her daughter will be cared for by her brothers.


"Then, when she was fourteen ... see, I wasn't there,' said Aberforth. 'If I'd been there, I could have calmed her down. She had one of her rages, and my mother wasn't as young as she was, and ... it was an accident. Ariana couldn't control it. But my mother was killed."

-Abeforth Dumbledore

His Silver (Ariana Dumbledore)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora