Amata Steward

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"Aberforth, I know you can hear me!" A young lady with green colored eyes
knocked at the door. The Dumbledore residence was asleep in the cold morning.

"Amata, I think he is sleeping." A brown hair boy shivered the cold weather.

"Then, I will wake him up!" The girl began to bang the door and shouted for Aberforth.




The door opened to angry looking Albus who seem half awake," Who are you? Why are you—"before Albus could finish the young lady barged into the home.

"Aberforth!" The girl shouted startling Gellert to wake up from the couch. Her shout woke up Aberforth and Ariana who rushed downstairs.

"Aberforth, you fool!" The girl angrily looked at him. Aberforth eye's widened in horror seeing her.

Her dark greens initiated him with just a glance. Her dark hair waves seem frozen by the weather. Her pale beige skin complimented her facial features. Yet, the girl seem pissed enough, that terrified him.

She grabbed his shirt, in a threatening tone," WHY ISN'T YOUR ASS AT THE TRAIN STATION?" She yelled frightening Aberforth.

Aberforth gulped. Never in his life has he been afraid of such strong woman.

"Why should I go?" Aberforth looked away.

"Because you love her," Amata explained. Her words shocked Albus, Ariana, and Gellert.

"What's the meaning of this... what is she talking about Aberforth?" Albus demanded an explanation to his brother.

Amata released Aberforth," Honestly, Abe, you are an idiot."

"You haven't told your family?" The brown hair boy wearing a yellow hufflepuff scarf asked.

"What haven't you told us?" Ariana wanted to know what her brother has been hiding.

"I feel in love with a girl. The girl from the flower shop. We dated for a while, she got pregnant. She is carrying my child," Aberforth explained.

Albus looked at his brother stunned. He couldn't believe he kept it all a secret.

Ariana knew who the girl was, she had gotten to know her whenever she goes to the market. She never knew her big tummy would be carrying her nephew.

"Abe, why didn't you tell us. Congrats!," Ariana hugged her brother.

"Wait, isn't Karla leaving to America?" Ariana pulled back recalling her last conversation with the flower shop girl.

"How do you know?" Aberforth asked, as he knew the girl he like was leaving.

"We have occasionally talked," Ariana said.

"Aberforth, she gave birth last night. Her father is very angry with you. He may come to visit you after he drops her off at the dock," the brown hair boys said.

"That is why, I am came to take you to the boat dock. Her train has departed, but we can making it for you to see her," Amata explained her reason of visit.

"I can't," Aberforth looked down.

"Why not?" Ariana and Amata asked. Both wanted him to chase after the girl he liked.

"Because I don't," Aberforth turned to head back up the stairs to his room.

Amata not taking no for an answer pulled his ear," Ouch! Ouch!" She dragged him out of the door. Gellert quietly chuckled watching Aberforth being mistreated by a girl.

"Amata, I'm not going!" Aberforth pulled away. He didn't want to see her.

"Yes, you are!" Ariana placed her hands on her hips. Amata smiled at her, she liked having someone on her side. Meanwhile, Gellert smirked he likes seeing her confident.

"Two girls against one, I wouldn't take my chances, Abeyforth," Ambrose Diggory snickered.

"Shut it, Diggory," Aberforth knew he was outnumbered.

"First, let me get properly dressed," Aberforth didn't want to appear in pajamas.

"No time," Amata tossed him a random coat.

"And where are you going?" Albus noticed Ariana putting on her coat and shoes.

"I am going with Abe," Ariana zipped up her sweater, as she wanted to see Karla.

"No, you are—" Before Albus could prevent her from going, Amata grabbed her hand.

"Of course, you can!" Amata dragged her out the door, followed by Aberforth and Ambrose.

"Apologies for the late introduction, my name is Amata Steward. I'm great friends with you brothers," Amata was glad to meet Ariana.

Ambrose shook her hand," Ambrose Diggorry. You must be Ariana, Abeyforth talks a lot about you."

Ariana chuckles," It's nice to meet you both. I'm glad my brother has friends to wake him up," Ariana giggled, she hadn't expected to be woken up with loud noises.

"Abe can be insufferable, but I try my best to deal with his senses. I couldn't let Karla leave without me doing something or else Aberforth would forever been grouchy," Amata confessed.

"Trust us, grouchy Abeyforth, isn't fun," Ambrose walked beside Aberforth who looked annoyed.

Aberforth grunted," You can tell he is excited to see you guys," Ariana whispered to Amata.

"My thoughts are the same wait until he sees Karla," Amata chuckled.

It has been minutes meeting Amata, Ariana has already felt they would be good friends.

In the future, Amata would be a powerful influential woman in the Ministry in America. No lie can go undetected by her, Lady Serpentine. The bloodline of Sayre lines within her for her to bring justice in the world. Her intellect, skills, and family power would bring her to defeat her greatest nemesis.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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