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*A Few Hours Later



The door opened. The two boys inside looked at Ariana standing in the doorway.

"Sorry for interrupting, brother. I need items for dinner. I am making your favorite soup, Albus," Ariana timidly said.

"Alright, then! We will go to the market. Ari, get ready you are coming with us," Albus approved taking her. Ariana smiled excited to go someplace out of her home.

She quickly removed her slippers to put on her dress shoes. "Brother, we will be back," Ariana happily went down the stairs steps. She informed her brother who just arrived back that she would be leaving.

"Where to?" Aberforth wondered where his sister would be going off to.

"We will be back, Aberforth. We are taking Ari to the market. We won't be too long," Albus informed his younger brother.

"And he is going to, I assume?" Aberdorth glared at Gellert, he didn't like the foreign boy.

"Certainly," Gellert smirked knowing Aberforth is jealous.

"Yes, we will be back," Albus liked seeing Gellert smile with him.

"Fine, as long as you take care of our sister," Aberforth brushed past his elder brother, clearly angry with the two.

"Come on, Albus! I want to go to the market," Ariana couldn't be patient enough. She wanted to leave home.

The three went to the market, Ariana liked the marketplace. She likes seeing all kinds of ingredients and materials at each shop.

"Ari, Gellert, and I have things to do. It won't take long," Albus informed her that she would be alone for a few moments. He handed her some coins. This surprised her as she would never be left unsupervised.

"Don't worry brother, take as much time as you need. I can take care of myself," Ariana assured her brother that she will be fine. She is ready to explore the place alone.

"Don't get into trouble. Shout if anything happens," Albus had faith in her. The two boys left her wondering on the market.

Ariana's first stop was getting the ingredients needed for tonight's supper. She knew exactly what to get and the amount she had. After getting all the food ingredients, she decided to walk around the market.

Ahead of her path, she saw beautiful bright-colored flowers. Her eyes were caught by the attention of the white-colored flowers.

"Oh, don't touch that! There are poisonous," the florist warned. Ariana retracted back from touching the flower.

"I am sorry! I didn't know a pretty flower would have poison," Ariana apologized to the florist. She was curious about getting to know the flower.

"No need to apologize. It's my fault for forgetting to put the sign. This flower is usually for medical purposes," the young florist explained. The florist put up a warning sign.

"You must be Ariana," the florist seems to know her.

"Yes, how did you know?" Ariana wondered how the girl knew her. She never spoke to the pretty florist before.

"Aberfoth and I close. He told me things about you. He tells me how much he cares and loves for his little sister. I think he is sweet," The florist blushed, a thing that Ariana noticed.

"I didn't know my brother had a friend. He usually doesn't like anyone. It's great that he has friends," Ariana felt a bit of jealousy that her brothers get to experience friendship.

She has a friend but she hasn't seen him yet. Ariana has a feeling she will see Azz today. Her gut feeling is keeping her hopes up.

"I know how he can be. He likes to act tough by pushing everyone away. But I can see right through Abbey," the girl said.

"Abbey?" Ari didn't know her brother had another nickname.

"Umm...Yes, I call him Abbey. At first, he didn't like it but he got used to it. I thought Abbey sounded nice," the florist said.

Ariana's eyes wandered to a small plant. "What flower is that?" Ari pointed.

"That is a Silver Leaf Tree. It's very hard to grow. No, amount of magic is needed to grow this tree. It is believed to bear Golden apples," the pretty florist explained. She grabbed the plant and handed it to her," Here, take good care of it," She gifted the plant to Ariana.

Ariana was taken aback by her gesture," How much?" She wasn't sure if she should take it for free.

"No, need. Keep it, I am sure you will make it grow," the girl smiled. Ariana thanked her and left.

Ariana smiled. She continued to wander the market until her eyes spotted her favorite sweet shop. She excitedly ran to the shop. She didn't see the person bumping into her.

She rubbed her small nose. She looked at the person that hurt her nose. "Gellert?" Ariana recognized the handsome blonde boy.

"Silver? What are you doing here?" He quickly tucked away his wand.

Ariana pointed at the sweet shop close by.

"Ah! I am craving some sweets too. Let's go," Gellert said. Being the gentleman he is, he grabbed her bags to carry.

Ariana walked beside him only carrying the tree plant. "What kind of tree is that?" Gellert wondered about the type of plant she is carrying.

"A silver tree," Ariana said.

Gellert smiled at her," Silver like you. It will bloom beautifully like you," Gellert said. Ariana didn't know how to respond. But she took it as a compliment. Ariana is too young to define the true meaning of Gellert's words.

The two entered the shop. It was the first time since she had come to this shop. Her mother Kendra would be strict with her in eating candy. Aberforth would agree with his mother's house rules. While Albus would secretly bring her treats from Hogwarts.

Ariana's eyes lit with wonder inside the colorful shop. She didn't know which to try with many shapes and sizes. She wanted to try them all.

"Tell me what you like?" Gellert wanted to know more about her.

"I... I don't know. I only eat the candy Albus brings me from school," Ariana didn't remember the type of candy her brother would bring her.

"Hmm... the candy here is different from where I am from," Gellert didn't know what sweets to try.

"Then, we can decide together," Ariana thought of an idea. Gellert looked at her like her idea. He liked talking to her.

"But don't tell Abe, he can't know about me eating candy. I don't want him to be angry with me," Ariana wanted Gellert to keep her secret.

"Pinky Promise," she lifted her pinky.

"I promise, Silver, I won't tell him," Gellert Pinky promised her. He feels like he can do anything for her. Even, if he needs to keep a simple promise, he would complete it.

His Silver (Ariana Dumbledore)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя