Chapter 17 - Movement

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Months have passed. Dani has still just laid down on my bed, and said nothing. I am getting really worried. I occasionally change her bandages on her leg. Although her leg wounds have healed remarkably, she has grown more and more fragile.
It breaks my heart.
I fear I will loose her. I am scared that once again, I will be alone, and I will never be forgiven for what I did to her.

I walk into my room with a tray of food.
Dani sits there, her perfect blue eyes staring into the distance.
I sit on the bed edge.

"Dani, you have to eat. It's not healthy starving yourself!" I tell her sternly.
She just looks at me, and sighs.
She does nothing.

So, I put the food on a table next to her and walk out of the room. I've given up. Deep down, I feel like she is secretly trying to...... Well......

I think She's trying to kill herself.
That monster inside is getting out of control. I am starving. I am weak.
What happened to the strong, stubborn girl I was a month ago?
I want to eat. I really do. But I've lost the strength to even sit up, let alone lean across the bed and grab food.
I could just speak to Jackson and ask him to help me, but I don't want to appear weak. I don't want to be vulnerable with him again, not after what happened the first time.

With all the strength that I can muster, I whisper his name.
I am just about to leave the house when I hear it.
It sound like someone calling out to me....
It can't be Dani, she is too far gone. I must be imagining things.

With a heavy heart, I walk out the door.

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