Chapter 15 - Honesty

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I reach Jackson's house by nightfall.
The sky has gone black, and the stars have come out.

I suck in a deep breath, and open the door.
Jackson is sitting on the bed, crying. Sobbing heavily into his large hands. The hands that I used to hold. The hands that I once loved.

He looks up at me when he hears the door shut.
"You came back...." He said with a thick voice.
"Of course I did Jackson. Where else would I go?" I reply, sighing and plonking myself down beside him.
He looked at me again.
He stared into my eyes for a while, before saying one word.

What did he want?
I draw in a deep breath.
I need to tell her. After three years of guilt, and a torturous 12 months alone, I must tell her that secret. The secret that lead us to where we are today.

I need Dani to hear me out.
Just as I was about to get up and walk off, Jackson spoke.
"Dani, I have something to tell you. Something that will explain everything. Please just listen to me before you run off again."

My stomach churned.
Oh dear God..... What have I gotten myself into this time?
Jackson looked at his feet when he spoke.
"Remember about 8 years ago, when that man was killed 'accidentally' at our airport? It wasn't accidental. He came into New Zealand to warn people of what was happening in the outside world."
"So what?" Dani said, clearly annoyed and confused.
"Hang on, I'm getting there.... It's a long story, ok?" Jackson replied.
Dani just grumbled.
"Anyway, it wasn't the New Zealand police force that killed him. It was a bunch of under cover American soldiers that were sent to hunt down anyone that would potentially bring the war to the people of New Zealand."
"What war?" Dani replied, getting really confused. "What the hell are you talking about!"
"On the outside world, a huge war was waging. It all started when a terrorist assassinated the Queen. You know, The Queen of England. Well, it turns out it was a assassin sent by the American government. Because all the Americans wanted was power." Jackson said.
"Wait, WHAT? You mean Obama assassinated the Queen!?" Dani exclaimed.
"No, actually it was the president after Obama. Anyway, the whole world erupted into war against the Americans. And those who didn't fight along side with the British fought with the Americans, or just fought because they could.
But the whole world agreed on one thing - to keep the wars away from New Zealand. They wanted it to be the safe haven for anybody that survived." Jackson explained.
"That makes no sense whatsoever. " Dani rudely retorted.
"Dani, shut up. I'm not finished yet! Anyway, no one in New Zealand knew about the wars. Not even the government. So when some Americans showed up and told them to shut down their airports and ban all contact from the rest of the world, all hell broke loose in New Zealand. The country found out what was going on, and refused to be apart of it. They told America, England and every other country that if they wanted their land, they would have to wait until their entire population was wiped out."
"And why the hell did they say that?" Dani argued.
"Because they thought that the world would take the hint and leave them alone. But they didn't. Instead, the world ganged up on New Zealand. In the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, they went on a crime spree. They kidnapped as many people as they could. Those who fought back were killed instantly. Those who had been kidnapped were sent off in rockets to various space stations. Those who they didn't kidnap or fight where bombed with nuclear missiles.However, they missed one house.
That was your house, Dani." Jackson said forlornly.
"What do you mean? If there were nuclear bombs involved, how come I didn't wake up or die!?" What about you? How come YOU are still alive! Where the f***ing hell is my family!" Dani screamed.
"I was kidnapped. But instead of being flown to some ridiculous place, they took me back to America. That was 3 years ago." Jackson replied calmly.
"But where is my family! Where is the animals? The insects!?" Dani sobbed, tears cascading down her face.
"Nuclear bombs killed the animals and the insects. The remaining insects have burrowed underground, Ya know, like cockroaches and ants and stuff." Jackson said.
"But what about my family!" Dani screamed, punching the bed.
"Dani, they died too. The night the attack happened, was the night that they went down to Christchurch, remember? Your mum had a work conference an took your siblings and your dad with her. You chose to stay behind cause you had school the next day. They are all gone. All dead." Jackson sadly replied.
"But where the hell are the people from the rest of the world! How come I have traveled around the world and not found one single person except from you!" Dani screamed, burrowing her face into her hands.
"Most of them died in the wars. Only about 1 billion or so people survived. Those who didn't die, formed an alliance. And a bunch of those survivors where people that had formerly worked at NASA. They hijacked a rocket ship and them and the other people flew to a secret base that the Americans built on the moon when they landed there. They have been there ever since. But they only left a year or so ago. They all gathered in America, which is why you haven't found them." Jackson said.
"But I have been there! That was the last place that I was in before I came here!" Dani whispered.
"But Dani, you left there about what, three months ago?" Jackson said.
"No, I left there only 1 month ago. I was there for 5 months." Dani replied, clearly annoyed and frustrated.
"Exactly. Humanity left Earth 12 months ago, not 6. That's why. And before you ask, yes, I know that the attacks on New Zealand where 3 years ago, But the wars only finished around 1 year or so ago. And then it took 6 months for the entire population reached America. My kidnappers dumped me in England on their way there, because I protested and told them that I would rather die than go with them."
"But how come I wasn't awake when that whole attack happened! How come I didn't die? I why do I not remember it!?" Dani asked.
"Well, actually, you were awake. You did witness it. I was at your house when it happened. I was outside at this point, and they didn't bother going in to find you. You saw me being taken away. But you don't remember because they filled the bombs with this serum that erases memory. It wiped your memory from the last 24 hours before you were hit. You didn't die though, because you are immune to whatever they put inside nuclear missiles."
When Dani remained silent, Jackson added,
"They called the whole thing World War III"
I wish I died.
I wish this was all a dream.

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