Chapter 2 - Alone

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Bright sunlight pours through the gaps in the building. A light breeze ripples through the air, causing clouds of dust to scatter into the room.

I slowly open my eyes, and stretch. I sit up, and attempt to stand.
My back aches like hell. Sleeping on a concrete floor is not the most ideal place to sleep in the world. I pick up my worn out rug sack that lays on the floor next to me, and get up. Before I leave, I check the mini calendar that I carry around with me.
'Oh my God.' I whisper to myself.
Now could I not realize.
It's the 20 of October.
It's the day life completely died out.
It's also my birthday.
Today, I turn nineteen.
Today, I have officially spent 3 years alone.
Sadly, I'll probably never find anyone to celebrate with.

But I will stay strong. I will not cry, because I am the last survivor. I will not crumple into a million pieces, because I am alone. I will not die, because the rest of the world has.

I feel slightly dizzy, so instead of walking around as soon as I got up, I decide to just sit against a brick wall and relax. I reach into my bag, a pull out a chocolate chip cookie. As I nibble on it, I think about life.

I think about how much I miss seeing my mother's smile, or hearing my father's laughter. I miss talking to my little sister, Emma, and playing with my younger brother, Ben. I miss driving to school with my older brother, Matt. I miss my best friend, Lizzie,

But most of all, I miss talking to, hugging, watching movies with and just seeing my boyfriend, Jackson.

I just need someone.
I hate being alone.

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