Chapter 4~ 𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾

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Claira P.O.V.

I hate being paired up with random people.

I mean, if it's like, with Soph or Rachel that would be great. 

I just remember that painful time when I had to be with this disgusting guy named Remy for this depressing game of tennis.


Today we're playing 1v1 volleyball. If I have to me with someone like Zander or Max that would be annoying.

I usually like volleyball. It's better than, like, rugby.

I probably just don't like rugby because I'm just bad at it.

Everyone is sitting on the wet grass waiting for our teacher to show up. There's always just that one teacher who's always late for their own class.

"Where on earth is Ms. Snell?" Sophie asked, something we'd all been wondering. "She's always late. Honestly, get a grip!"

And of course it happened to be right then when she decided to show up.

"Excuse me, Sophie, but I unlike you can show up when I choose," Ms. Snell informed her sternly. Ms. Snell was a tough-looking woman for sure, with dark brown hair always swept up in a bun at the back of her head. She had hazel eyes that glared deep into your soul if you ever did anything wrong and was always wearing thick socks that went up to her knees. They were usually black.

"When she chooses," Sophie muttered under her breath. Even if Ms. Snell heard her, she had ignored her.

"Ok class, as I told you last lesson that today we will be doing volleyball," she bellowed. "I will pair you up today. One versus one for this lesson, too."

Most the class groaned, although it wasn't new news.

She did the roll fast so we could get into the game as soon as possible.

"Right, now I'll pair you up. Starting with Elis and Debiah," Debiah looked dumbstruck. But not with annoyance. With happiness. Elis was her cousin. They ran off near the sandy volleyball courts, to the edge of the oval. "Next! Sophie--" Sophie crossed her fingers hopefully, "--and Audrey!" 

"Yes!" Audrey said punching she sky with her fist. "C'mere, Soph! Let's go to the courts!"

Sophie looked at her, a smile forming on her face. Although she had just turned into yet another tomato, at least she was happy this time.

"Okay, guys. Next, Joel and Rachel!" You would've thought that Rachel would look horrified and disgusted from that, but, to my surprise. She just walked over to him although it was no big deal. Joel didn't look too fussed either.

"Karen and Mitchell! Zander and Chloe! Yazmina and Max! Graham and Mariah! Will and Claira!"

Wait, what?

I didn't quite catch what she just said.

Did she just say Will and Claira?

Or do I need a hearing check?



Will P.O.V.


I'm with Claira.


She's walking over to the courts.

I'm gonna follow.

"Hey," I said to her. She glanced at me as though I'd just coughed up a concussed turtle.

"Uh, hi," she mumbled, her wide eyes shimmering in the sunlight. Her cheeks were as red as tomatoes, and she picked up the volleyball as if it were also a concussed turtle.

"Okay people, I'd like you to all get in your own court and play! Get straight into it!" the teacher boomed.

"Okay, you wanna go on this side-- or that side, I don't mind-- uh, if you don't mind, I could stay here-- and if you wanna be in the shade, I'll gladly move right away," I stuttered. Jesus, what kinda weirdo will she think I am?

"I-- I can stay here, all good," she stammered, dropping it accidentally and then picking it back up awkwardly.

"Um... let's start," I coughed, staring at the tomato named Claira on the other side of the net.

She threw the ball in the air and whacked it with her fist, her knuckles paper white. I hit it with my fist and it went flying into a nearby tree.

"Shit..." I muttered under my breath.

"It's fine-- let's just go tell, uhh... the teacher," Claira suggested. She ran over to Ms. Snell who just shook her head. She came over eventually, her hazel eyes glaring into mine.

"Don't you know how to hit a bloody ball with your damn fist?" she barked. "Do ya want me to give you after school training on how to hit a ball with your ruddy hands?"

A smile slowly formed on Claira's face. She looked at the teacher proudly.

"I'll get it down later, for now you go and get yourselves another ball. Will, that means you and not Claira here who did nothing."

I glowered at her as she strode away, pointing at other students and shouting at them if they did something wrong.

"Yeah, Will."

Claira glanced at me, grinning.

"Excuse me?"

"I said 'yeah Will'," she repeated. "So?"

"That's so meeean, Claira," I said in sarcasm. She laughed.

"What if I said I didn't care?" she asked smugly.

"Well, I don't care that you don't care."

"I don't care about that."

"Neither do I care about that."

"Stop flirting and play!" I heard someone shout enthusiastically.

It was Rachel.

"Come on Claira, you can do better than that! Tell him who's boss!"

Claira rolled her eyes at Rachel.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Joel laughing up a storm, looking at me as though what happened was hilarious.

It kinda was though.

I was maybe, kinda, sorta, possibly having fun.

With a girl.

That I also happened to have the biggest crush on.


No, no, no.

Zander and Max were staring at us too.

Just an opportunity for more rumors to be spread.

But-- would they still be called rumors, if--

They were true?

~𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓮~Where stories live. Discover now