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A/N: Y'know what I honestly wanna get this story done before I work on my other stories, so all my other books are on hiatus until I finish this book. EXCEPT for My Friends x BFB Characters because I've had people aware about the upcoming book for like a month or 2 yet the first chapter hasn't come out yet so I'll work on both, but mainly focus on this one until it's finished and then I'll write my other books as well

N e ways, enjoy the chapter!


(Still 3rd Person btw)

"B-Bracelety and Ice Cube died too?!" Black Hole said, his fear for Tree's safety returning.

"I... I guess they did..." said Tree.

"You know what? Tree, I know I'm safe but you most definitely are not! Someone could easily kill you, and I can't let that happen! Starting tomorrow, I am spending at least 3 hours a day with you so you don't get killed, likely more most days!" Black Hole said, and Tree blushed.

"You really care about me, huh?" Tree said.

"I am not gonna let you die!" said Black Hole.

Tree smiles a little. "I love you..." he whispered under his breath.

"What?" asked Black Hole. 

"N-nothing!" Tree said.

"Okay..." said Black Hole.

Marker POV

I know Tree won't let me see Black Hole, but he never said I wasn't allowed to talk to others. So I decided to find my sister Pencil and cousin Eraser.

I went to our house and knocked on the door. After a few moments, Pencil opened it. 

"Marker?! I thought you died permanently!" said Pencil.

"Nope. I survived.." I said.

Pencil then hugged me. "Do you know how much I missed you?!" she said.

"It's only been... Like, a few days, maybe?" I said.

"I know, but still. Especially since Pen also died, I thought I was an only child now!" said Pencil.

"Well you're not, I'm still alive," said Marker.

"How did you "die"?" asked Pencil.

"I... Don't think I'm allowed to say...." I said.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you're alive!" said Pencil.

"Me too," I said. "Can I see Eraser as well?" 

"Sure! ERASER! GET OVER HERE!!" Pencil yelled.

"What," Eraser said, coming over.

"Your cousin wants to see you," said Pencil.

"You called me over here just because you wanted to see me?" asked Eraser.

"Not me. Marker," said Pencil.

"Wait what?!" 

"Hi Eraser!" I said.

"I- How are you alive?!" asked Eraser.

"Dunno. I survived," I said. "Glad to see you again, Eraser!" 

"Same here!" said Eraser.

"But that's not why I'm here. Everyone who died couldn't be recovered because the code in the recovery center was changed, and I don't know anyone who knows how to change it other than the person who tried to murder me and their (I don't know if I'm allowed to say anything that could hint to who they are, including their pronouns) friend," I said.

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