The First Kill

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I've been planning on how I'm going to kill Marker for a while now. I just can't find a time when no one else is around. He's always with someone! Black Hole, Lightning, Sunny (@suntitled), Stapy, Foldy, etc! That does give me more plan time, but at this point I don't even need it. I figured the best approach would be to just stab him enough to kill him. And once he's dead, Black Hole is mine!

There's one problem though. Recovery.

If someone sees his dead body, they'll recover Marker. And I can't have that happening.

But of course, every problem has a solution. And my solution is to ask Pillow, the master of death, for advice. She'll definitely know how to kill someone without them being able to be recovered.

I went to make sure I had time, and yep, I saw Marker talking to Sunny. So I went to look for Pillow, and saw her killing Battery. I decided to wait for her to finish before talking to her. Once she did, I said, "Hey Pillow?"

"Hello Tree!" said Pillow. "Are you going to try to recover Battery? Because if you are, you'll fail. They can't be recovered. I learned how to do that a while back."

"I wasn't planning on it. I actually came here because... I need to kill Marker permanently. I figured you would know how to do that," I said.

"I can teach you! Can I ask why though? Aren't you a death preventer?" asked Pillow.

"I was. But I have a giant crush on Black Hole, and I know he likes Marker. And I can't have Marker get between us!" I said.

"Oh, so you're a yandere now!" said Pillow. "I guess I'd better stay away from Black Hole."

"I don't think he wants to talk to you anyway, so you don't have to worry about that. But yeah, I guess I am a yandere," I said.

"Okay! I'll teach you how to kill someone without them being able to be recovered!" said Pillow.

"Thanks!" I said.

"As long as you don't kill me too," said Pillow.

"Stay away from Black Hole, and I won't," I said.

"Deal!" said Pillow. 

"Alright, so it's simple science really!" Pillow said.

Pillow began teaching me exactly how to kill someone without them being able to be recovered. I knew that if I wanted Marker gone, I had to pay close attention. We did some tests to see if I could do it yet, but most failed and they got recovered. However, after a few tries, we finally managed to kill someone and they stayed dead permanently! Sorry about that Discy.

"You're ready!" Pillow said. "Now go kill that Marker!"

"Thanks for your help, Pillow!" I said.  "Also, if Black Hole ever suspects you being the one who killed him or anyone else, don't tell him, alright?" 

"Yeah, sure, I can take the blame!" said Pillow. 

"Thanks!" I said and left to go find Marker. And I finally got lucky enough to find him alone! 

"Hey Marker!" I said, trying to not make myself suspicious.

"Oh, hey Tree!" said Marker. "What's up?"

"Well..." I said and pulled out a knife.


"Black Hole is mine!" I yelled back at him.

"Wh-what do you mean?!" said Marker. 

"Is it not obvious Black Hole is in love with you?! Once you're gone, he'll be mine!" I said.

"No, Tree, please don't do this!" said Marker.

I did exactly as Pillow taught me and killed Marker. Permanently. He isn't coming back.

I need to go wash off ink stains now.


After a while, Black Hole came up to me and said, "Tree, I can't find Marker anywhere. I would check to see if he died, but I wouldn't be able to recover him for obvious reasons. Could you try recovering him for me?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. I pretended to act concerned, but I knew he couldn't be recovered and I was glad! 

When we got to the recovery center, I typed in Marker's name. It said, "ERROR. CAN'T RECOVER MARKER." Yes, it worked! Marker is dead, and Black Hole is mine!

"Wh-what?! Do you think he's still alive? Is that why?!" Black Hole said nervously. I almost started to feel guilty. Almost. I could tell Black Hole really cared about him. 

"I hope so," I said. "I hope you find him!" 

"Me, too," said Black Hole.


A/N: Yeah... Don't think they're gonna find Marker alive any time soon. Anyway, yeah this chapter is a lot longer than the last one lol. I'm glad I managed to make a longer chapter. 

Also, Sunny, Potato, don't kill me please.

- Crystal, CEO of Treehole and Airypack

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