What does mother think about this?

This family is fucked up, as soon as I graduate I will move out with minji unnie.

*Danielle pov*

Please kill me.

Whyyyy life is so unfair.
Everyone acts normal infront of their crush except Me. With my big ass mouth

Why I didn't shut the fuck up.

I said everything, I stated everything.

The embarrassing, weird and looking like a horny teenager things.


how did he react tho? Did he throw me out of his car? Did he cringed and just didn't mind me? DOES HE HATES ME NOW?

it must be a dream that I had yesterday, yea it's just a dream

My thight hurts tho. I wonder why?

(Author: yk bbg it isn't. /Danielle: fuck you / author: ugh horny teenager these days)

*3rd person pov*

You might be wondering what happened to haerin? Well taesan took her to her home and left.

She eventually get up and find her messy state, someone has took off her shoes and makeup.

Hmmm who?

She forces her body to move and to get downstairs praying that nobody will see her.

She can't remember what really happened yesterday, she was dancing with the girls, then taesan appeared, offered her help to walk then everything blacks out.

Something was off, her alcohol tolerance might be low but that doesn't explain anything about her sudden black out.

Danielle drinked too much and she is sure she didn't passed out.

She looked at her phone to see hanni is calling her.

"Yes hanni-"


"wtf is wrong with you?"

"Did you look at the school blog?"

"No let me check"

"No let me check"

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"Oh shit"


"Tf since when there is a blog for gossip?"

"Since forever and now we are the main gossip in the school, Istg if I find the owner if this account I will kill them"

"What does the boys think about this?"


"Come on don't be ridiculous"

"I am not I am saying the truth, ugh why is life so complicated"

"I need to take a shower gotta go take care"

"Take care"

She let out a sight as soon as she ended the call.

"They must really hate us, but what did we do? They approached us, they are the one who started, we were drunk anyway" She thought.

*minji pov*

"DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY" "do you know the consequences of your acts over my reputation?" "Are you happy being a useless child? ARE YOU?"

My eyes were getting watery wich they weren't supposed to be cuz am a strong girl.

She always yell at me, why am I getting emotional? Probably because deep down I know she is right.

My brother and father aren't at home if they were here am sure she wouldn't yell at me.

My gaze was stuck to the floor.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN AM TALKING TO YOU" She hold my jaw firmly I looked at her

My step mother, that big ass bitch

"Your nothing here, you are nothing you hear me!" She slapped me.
My eyes widened in shock, her long nails scratched my face and now I had a cut in my cheek.

I stood up and looked at her angrily "how dare you?" She gasped and scoffed "respect your elders will you? Do I still have to teach you manners?"

No words could come out I just ran upstairs and cried with my face buried in the pillow.

I heard a notification sound from my phone, it was a tweet from the gossip account of the school, I just heard about it lately from my teammates.

My face dropped. It's me. Us.

How bad can life be?


*3rd person pov *

"Find them" a deep voice ordered handing the phone back to his assistant.

"Yes sir" the assistant left and now jaehyun was sitting in his father's office waiting for him.

They had a meeting to attend together.
He was thinking about minji all the time, especially yesterday, she was beautiful breath taking. It was really hard for him to control.

"Son, how are your studies going?" His father took a seat infrong of him. "Pretty well" he answered with a smile.

"Any relationship?" Jaehyun smirks knowing what his father wants to talk about already.

He could only think about minji when he asked.

"No but I am inlove with someone" He replies calmly, his dad hums in response.

"Sir the meeting is about to start" the secretary informed.

They looked at each other and got up making their way to the meeting.


Sorry for the short chapter 😘🤧


anyway just a question is it called a crush if you feel a slight thing in your tummy when someone looks at you?

I think it's just shock or surprise.

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