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"I've thought a lot about this, and I have decided to walk away from everything- the name, the wealth, the expectations"

Just as these words came out of her mouth, everyone gasped. This was not expected at her birthday party, the day when she got everything. She tossed it. Esthesam Malik was still praying that somehow God entered some sense in her and she would stop, or say it was a prank but it was too late.

"I, Malik Zaria Esthesam am stepping down for the man I love, to live a life with him. For best or worst I choose love above all, even if it means forsaking  everything I've ever known"
She looked at a pair of jet-black eyes who were staring at her.

The gaze that was always warm and caring turned cold. Well, it wasn't unexpected, the softest heart can turn into the most heartless after rejection.

And then she walked away from everything, for the life waiting for her. A Malik never writes his/her destiny even if they try. That's what Zaria forgot the first and most important rule.

"Never fight fate, it shall bring destruction just accept it for the sake of peace'

"Leave" I yelled moving back.

He looked at me with bored expression and forward his steps towards me.

"It's been months till we get married, can you stop this Mello drama." My back hit the wall I glared at him. Drama.

"Do you think all this is a drama, my feelings, I lost my everything you jerk." I yelled he extended his hand towards me.

"Don't touch me you don't have any right." Shit, shouldn't have said this. He jerked my arms his hold was firm I tried to move away.

Our eyes met, his actions were cold but the moment I looked in his eyes I just saw a soft, pitiful gaze. He leaned closer and whisper in my ears.

"I have each and every fucking right on you, just because I didn't take them doesn't mean I will never. You. Are. My. Fucking. Wife. The sooner you get this inside your brain the sooner your life will be better." He stepped back.

I exhale.

"I am not your lover, I am your husband and there is a big difference between these two get it inside your fucking head." He left

I locked the door and cry. God, why do I have to say all this our first argument as a couple all because of my stupidity.

I should do better, he is trying I should too.

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