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I  didn't choose him, destiny did.

I did the exact opposite_I rejected him.

Cause there's one thing I want the only thing which this marriage won't give. Love.

Saad Sikander Khan, the sunshine and sweet innocent boy from the outside but deep inside is a monster hidden.

Those who have seen it, never heard of them again.

And this is the monster I have to marry.

The one whom I left, I rejected. Destiny plays its cards and returns me to him only.

Everyone says I am a monster they say correct.

I am the worst one you will ever meet but not in front of my family.

For family it's always care, love and affection.

But again just for family.

She was aware, that's why she ran away but what she wasn't aware was my craziness about her.

So what was I supposed to do when I found her yet again coming back to me. Just the difference this time she can't leave.

Whatever comes in our life happiness like sunshine or storms and Shadows this girl can never leave me.

Even if she wants to.

And Malik Zaria Esthesam definitely wants to just the fact is now she is Malik Zaria Sikander Khan.

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