Chapter 4: I scare the others while unpacking

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⚠️4th wall breakage⚠️ ⚠️prepare the duck⚠️ ⚠️tape.⚠️



Ciao (hello) guys, if you are still reading this fanfiction you probably either like this story or are just bored out of fucking mind.

Anyway enough with breaking the fourth wall and all that shit till not even duck tape can save it I'm going to go unpack my stuff.

I went to my room which was pretty empty but had all the furniture I needed. There was a mahogany four poster bed with crimson sheets and blankets in the corner of the room opposite the door.

Across from the bed was a large desk made of ebony wood (hey you spend enough time with a dryad you're going to be able to name pretty much ever plant in existence) with a metal chair.

Shelves made of dark wenge wood lined the black painted walls. A perfect place for my skull collection and books.

At the bottom of the bed layed a chest of drawers made of what looked like american black walnut wood.

I pulled my bag of my shoulder and started pulling my clothes out. I opened the drawers and placed my carefully folded clothes neatly in it.

When I finished that, I moved over to the shelves. I began stacking my books on them, they were all sorted by language and then each different language was arranged in alphabetical order.

So we had books Ancient Greek, Latin, English, Italian and then Spanish followed by French and German spanning the length of the room on the wooden shelves.

Time for the skulls. I placed them on the shelves above the books. The top shelves were too high for me to reach (which is amusing since I'm the tallest of my friends) so I had to summon my wings and hover a bit above the ground.

My wings were midnight black in colour but the end plumage was blood-red, much like my wolf's ears and tail.

I was putting the last couple of skulls up when Willow opened my door and fell back in surprise.

"Gods, I always forget you can fly and why in Hades's name do you have human skulls?" She exclaimed as she stood back up.

"Well my papà and uncle Hades decided they would send me a skull to add to my collection ever month. I now have like a hundred." I explained.

"Sam did you know that your partner has a collection of actual human skulls?" She shouted.

"Yeah, so what their pa and uncle give them presents every week, they do the exact same thing for Nico and Hazel. Do you never go into the Hades or Artemis cabin?" Sam shouts back.

"Well no, I've never had a reason to. Anyway, it's lunch time Tabi so come downstairs, I think they've made yoghurt dough pizza or something." She explained and then left.

Well that was a weird conversation.

511 words

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the filler chapter.

~Question Of The Chapter~

Do you pronounce Hecate?




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