samael cyprus (i)

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- If it wasn't obvious enough, Bill Cipher was an inspiration for his character lmfao
   . And a bit of Discord from My Little Pony

- Samael's one and only love interest is Celestine
   . This includes pre-book. The only person he ever gave a shot was her

- Constantly gives people new nicknames and insults
   . Favorite people to nickname and/or insult are Celestine, Zane, and Nico

- In the original plot, he actually didn't stick around for long. He departed at the same time as Zane and the two simply never came back
   . This always was used for Celestine's development just how it was for Coco!

- Plays the violin !! And is actually good !!

- Seems to be more comfortable in suits and tuxes than regular clothes

- Gets along better with the girls than he does with the boys
   . Had they been in the group at the same time, he def would've had a love/hate relationship with Chris

- Mmm def a boy kisser
   . Celestine being androgynous makes this even funnier

- Considering the way he is and also the way he is with Celestine, he's on the ace spectrum

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