SIP: ✨One✨

En başından başla

   Some cameras flashed, bright, blinding white light, and Lestrade resisted the reflex to flinch away.

   "In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. The investigation is ongoing but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now." Donovan gestured to him, and he straightened up, looking out towards the crowds, which were instantly a commotion of overlapping questions.

   "Detective Inspector," said one reporter, louder than the rest. "How can suicides be linked?"

   "Well, they all took the same poison," Lestrade said, searching for the right things to say. He knew reporters twisted words a lot. "Um... they were all found in places they had no reason to be, none of them had shown any prior indication of -"

   "But you can't have serial suicides," the reporter interrupted.

   "Well, apparently you can," said Lestrade, slightly annoyed.

   "So... these three people, there's nothing that links them?" another reporter asked, raising his hand a little to be noticed.

   "There's no link been found yet, but... we're looking for it," Lestrade replied, then added, "there has to be one."

   Everyone's phone trilled a message alert at the same time, including Lestrade's and Donovan's. When they looked at the message, it read 'Wrong!' and nothing else. Lestrade sighed.

   "If you've all got texts, please ignore them," Donovan said, slight annoyance in her voice.

   "It... it just says 'wrong,'" said the first reporter who had spoken, a little confused.

   "Yeah, well, just ignore that," Donovan repeated. "Okay, if there are no more questions for Detective Inspector Lestrade, I'm going to bring this session to an end."

   The reporters clamored, all of them talking all at once. "But if they are suicides, what are you investigating?" one asked.

   Lestrade gave a small sigh. "As I say, these ... these suicides are clearly linked. Um, it's an ... it's an unusual situation. We've got our best people investigating ..."

   He was cut off by another mass text alert.

   "Says 'wrong!' again..." said the reporter.

   Lestrade gave Donovan a despairing look, and the woman turned back to the crowds. "One more question," she said.

   "Is there any chance that these are murders, and if they are, is this the work of a serial killer?" someone asked hurriedly, before anyone else.

   Lestrade picked his next words carefully. "I ... I know that you like writing about these, but these do appear to be suicides. We know the difference. The, um, the poison was clearly self-administered."

   "Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe?"

   "Well, don't commit suicide," the detective said with a hint of irritation.

   The reporter stared at him, and when he glanced over at Donovan, she covered her mouth and murmured a warning - "Daily Mail."

   Lestrade grimaced, and looked back at the crowd of press. "Obviously this is a frightening time for people, but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions," he said, trying to stay calm and collected. Professional. "We are all as safe as we want to be."

   Another text alert for everyone in the room.

   Lestrade picked up his phone and glanced at it. He read a different message than before.

   "You know where to find me.  -SH"

   Looking frustrated, Detective Inspector Lestrade put the phone back in his pocket, stood up, and glanced back at the reporters. "Thank you," he said.

   The cameras flashed and popped as he and Donovan sped out of the conference.

   "You've got to stop him doing that," Donovan said with a sigh once they were out of earshot. "He's making us look like idiots."

    Lestrade shook his head to the side a little. "Well, if you can tell me how he does it, I'll stop him."


Yay, the first chapter! Thank you all for reading this, since I'm working pretty hard on it, and I'm so glad you took time out of your day to comment and vote and such.

The next chapter is already in progress, and don't worry, it's got plenty of our two favorite boys!

Here's some candies while you wait: 🍭🍬🍫🍭🍬🍫🍭🍬🍫🍭🍬🍫x1000000
Don't worry, they're also allergy-free!

(Also, if something with the words is weird and off, it was my autocorrect and Wattpad acting up, so just point me to it in the comments and I'll fix it right away!)


Sherlock (but from a Johnlock POV){ON HOLD}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin