1. The Portal Opens

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(A/N hello everyone who reads this i hope you like the story XD)

[in the future]

~ Future Lucy's P.O.V. ~

     I walked outside the guild because it was super loud. After a while of walking around i saw a shimmer of light out of the corner of my eye so naturally i decided to investigate.When i walked over to the thing that basically looked like a purple portal i was sure it wouldn't have been such a good idea going in so i ran back to the guild.I opened the door and luckily the noise wasn't as loud as before. I walked over to levy.

"Levy-chan I need to show you something." I say.

~ Future levy's P.O.V. ~

"Levy-chan I need to show you something." Lucy said.

 she looked really serious so i followed her. I saw something that looked like a purple portal.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't know... What should we do?" Lucy said.

"Tell the guild. Warn people to stay away." I say.

she nods and we head back to the guild. The second i walk in Metalicana walked up to me asking questions like 'where were you' and stuff like that. (A/N  Metalicana is Levy and Gajeels daughter not the dragon metalicana. Just wanted to make sure you weren't confused. Imagine a mini Levy with Gajeels eyes and you got metalicana. Also all the kids are 6 also Panther lily's sons name is Ash and is Metalicana's exceed. Don't ask where the mother of Ash is cause i don't know lets say she's dead Ash also looks like panther lily.)

~ Loki's P.O.V. ~ (A/N Sorry another author note hopefully the last for a while Loki and Igneel are the sons of Lucy and Natsu. Sorry for more confusion. Loki looks like a mini boy version of Lucy with short hair and Natsu's eyes. Igneel looks like a mini Natsu with Lucy's eyes. Also Happy and Carla have baby exceeds one looks like Happy but is a girl and is named River and is Igneel's exceed. One looks like Carla but is a boy and is named Ice and is Loki's exceed. The last one also looks like Carla and is a girl and is named Snow and is Grandeeney's exceed.  Grandeeney is Wendy and Romeo's kid looks like a mini girl version of Romeo with Wendy's eyes. Sorry again.)

     I saw mommy and levy talking to the master about something when Igneel poked me.

"Have you seen River?" He asked.

"No." I lied. River was helping Ice, Snow and Ash break up a fight. I lied cause he would probably make the fight worse. I felt bad for lying because he looked sad. The master shut everyone up for the announcement he was going to say he said something about trying to figure out what some portal does. When we walked up to the portal it started glowing a little.

" Hey why don't we shove Loki in the portal to see what happens." Light suggested. (A/N quick authors note Light is the son of Mira and Laxus looks like Laxus with Mira's eyes. Also is Loki's rival. )

" What did you say lightning rod!" I yelled.

Ice, my exceed, landed on my shoulder.

"You heard me fire freak!... whoops." Light said with a smirk on his face. No way! He just pushed me into the portal...that...jerk...I blacked out.

~ Future Natsu's P.O.V. ~

     I was listening to Loki and Lights fighting when.

"You heard me fire freak!...whoops." Light said. I saw Loki's eyes widen when he fell into the portal with Ice. I tried running after him but the portal just shot me back. I kept glaring at Light I just wanted to throw him into the portal. But Mira grabbed him by the ear and started dragging him. Then Grandeeney ran through the portal with Snow. Wendy's probably freaking out right now.

"Don't worry we'll go through the portal and see if we can find them." Lily said dragging Happy and Carla.

~ Loki's P.O.V. ~

     I looked around and saw the guild a little in the distance. I guess the portal transports you to a different location. I saw Ice walking towards me I also noticed my arm was bleeding. I stood up and heard a noise coming from behind me I looked back and saw Gandeeney.

" Hey are you okay Grandeeney." I said. Ice asked Snow if she was alright.

"yeah i'm find but your arm hold still and let me heal you." she said. I did as i was told.

" You liiiikkeee her." I looked over and saw Happy. I hate it when he does that. I glared at him.

"looks like we just were teleported to a different area." Panther lily said while Carla was looking around. When Grandeeney was done healing my arm we where about to leave when Igneel, Ur, Metalicana, Siegrain, Light, Fairy, Ash, and River came through the portal. (A/N Ur is the daughter of Juvia and Gray she looks like the girl version of gray with Juvia's eyes rivals with Igneel. Siegrain is the son of Erza and Jellal looks like a mini Jellal with no tattoo and Erza's eyes rivals with Metalicana. Fairy is the daughter of Evergreen and Elfman looks like a mini evergreen with white hair rivals with Grandeeney.) 

"What are you guys doing here!" I yelled.

"We went through the portal just like you fire freak!" Light yelled back. we slammed our foreheads together continuing our argument till siegrain grabbed my arm pulled me behind him and glared at Light. He can be just as scary as Erza.  We all then walked toward the guild.


A/N Everyone who has read this far are awesomer than awesome, cooler than cool etc. also I am so sorry about all the author notes so very sorry there won't be any ( I think and hope) in the next chapter except at the beginning ( maybe) and the end of the chapter. Thank you if you read the entire chapter and thank you if you read the author notes :D  this is my first fanfiction so please don't judge if this is not what you expected I think that I did okay the future chapters will be better promise -Vul      

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