1. The chatterbox

Start from the beginning

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While walking he took off his tie which he was wearing and threw it on the street, along with his golden cufflinks

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While walking he took off his tie which he was wearing and threw it on the street, along with his golden cufflinks. After a long journey on foot, he finally arrived at the railway station. As he reached the platform, he noticed a train, but was unaware of its destination. Jungkook boarded the train and took a seat on the lower berth.

As the train began to move, a few men were still standing at the train's door, receiving bags from someone.
"Mister, if you keep handing us your luggage, you might miss the train," one of the men said.
"No need to worry. Please take the luggage," a deep voice from outside the train replied.

After handing over two suitcases, a backpack, and a few soft toys, the boy entered the train while holding the man's hand who was assisting him to carry his luggage.

The boy's name is Kim Taehyung. He is a tall man with blonde hair.
"Oh my God! I really thought I would miss my train today," Taehyung exclaimed cheerfully, catching the attention of everyone in the compartment.

"You know, I have never missed a single train till date. Thank you, God! You've saved my record," Taehyung expressed his gratitude.

Everyone in the compartment continued to gaze at him, while the man who assisted him still held his hand. Taehyung noticed this and spoke to him.
"You can let go of my hand. I'm not that beautiful," Taehyung joked, and they both laughed as the man released his hand.

He then proceeded to walk towards a different compartment on the train, as it was not his assigned compartment. The man who had assisted him earlier continued to accompany him, still holding his suitcase. Even as they walked, Taehyung kept up his conversation.

"I actually prefer traveling in non-AC compartments, but my family insists that as a young boy, I should travel in AC. As if I don't already know that I'm a boy," He remarked. While walking, they reached the restroom, and just as Taehyung approached, the door swung open and a man emerged.

"Excuse me, is this an AC compartment?" Taehyung asked the man. He seemed a bit taken aback with Taehyung's beauty but managed to confirm that it was indeed an AC compartment. Taehyung thanked him and continued on his way.

Finally, he arrived at his seat and noticed that Someone was already seated there. Double-checking his ticket, he confirmed that it was indeed his assigned seat.

"Excuse me, this is my seat," Taehyung said to Jungkook.

Jungkook remained silent, still looking down.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung raised his voice slightly this time.

Jungkook finally glanced up, though he still appeared somewhat dazed. Taehyung assumed that he might be facing some issue or perhaps had difficulty hearing him. Using gestures, and sign language he conveyed to him that he was sitting on his seat. Jungkook understood and vacated Taehyung's seat, opting to sit on the opposite berth instead. Taehyung arranged his belongings and settled comfortably into his seat.

"I have a long journey ahead to Busan, my hometown. I have my family there. I was in Seoul for my studies, but now that they are complete, I am returning to Busan. Everybody says that Seoul is a crowded city. I am leaving Seoul forever! I lived in a hostel in seoul, I have also visited Daegu during my university trip, it's a beautiful place Oh! Look the train started moving" Taehyung continued without pausing while Jungkook was just frowning.

( Suicide warning )

Just as Taehyung was about to continue, Jungkook abruptly stood up and left. He opened the compartment door, allowing the fresh air to enter. He was standing near the door. He started thinking deeply about his life and soon negative(suicidal) thoughts surrounded his brain. He was on the verge of stepping out of the train when a voice stopped him. The voice belonged to Taehyung.

Jungkook turned himself, now facing towards Taehyung.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" Taehyung asked while washing his hands. Jungkook remained silent, which lead Taehyung to tap on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung repeated. Assuming Jungkook was deaf due to his lack of response, Taehyung sympathetically exclaimed, "Oh! You are deaf."

Through sign language, Taehyung asked Jungkook "what was he doing there?" When he continued to remain silent, Taehyung grew irritated. At that moment, the TC arrived and noticed Jungkook standing by the door.

"Sir, what are you doing? Please close this door," the TC instructed, closing the door himself.

The TC then asked Taehyung and Jungkook for their tickets.
"My ticket is on my seat; I'll show you," Taehyung replied.

They all proceeded to their seats where Jungkook and Taehyung were seated. After verifying Taehyung's ticket, the TC requested Jungkook's ticket. Jungkook did not responded.

Taehyung understood that he didn't had any ticket so he thought of helping him through his great acting skills.'Taehyung time to show off your acting skills.' he thought

He looked towards the TC making a sad face and said
"Sir, it was a last-minute decision. He never travels without a ticket. Since the train isn't crowded, why don't you issue him a ticket? Look I might as well tell you a tragedy has occurred with him. He is going through bad times. Are you satisfied, or should I continue?"

"Mister, I will issue him a ticket. (To Jungkook)
"Where are you getting off?" the TC wearily asked, worn out by Taehyung's persistent talking.

"Where does this train go?" Jungkook asked while removing his spectacles and holding it in his hands.

Confused, the TC was about to respond when Taehyung answered on Jungkook's behalf.

"He's asking about the final stop. Give him a ticket to Busan" Taehyung suggested.

The TC provided Jungkook with a ticket and departed. Taehyung was intrigued by the stranger's weird behavior.

"Excuse me, what's wrong?
Are you on drugs? Are you facing an issue? Sharing problems can alleviate one's burden. All of my friends come to me to solve their problems. So, tell me, what's bothering you? I can help you" said Taehyung.

This time, Jungkook couldn't contain his frustration and lashed out at Taehyung.

"You! You are the problem. Since you arrived, you haven't stopped talking, not even for a moment. Don't you understand that I am not interested in talking to you? I don't care if you're from Daegu or Busan. I don't care whether you stayed in a hostel or a brothel. I just don't care. Alright! So just please leave me alone! Alright!" He yelled at him.

You are precious ✨
Hey Queens!
I finally wrote the 1st chapter. It consists of 1549 words.
If there are any mistakes please let me know in the comments.

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