"Who? The boxer," he scoffs, "no the head wolf in this rogue group that you just walked into."

"Oh, can I meet him?" Luke mulls it over and then shrugs.

"He owes me so I might be able to get you in but what about pup over here," Luke and I turn to look at Chase that is still on the ground rubbing his head.

"He goes where I go," I state matter of factly.

"Well it's your twos funerals if it all goes down hill," he nods to me to fall him but I put a finger up.

"Give me a minute," I gesture for Chase to keep a look out with my eyes and then head to the car. I position myself so that I can spy on them from the side of my eyes and the gun never leaves my hands. Grabbing the bag I open it up and throw in the bottles and zip it up nice and tight. Throwing the strap over my head the duffle bag rests on my hip.

"What's in the bag?" Luke asks as we make our way to him.

"That's on a need to know basis," Luke shrugs and we leads us through the trees and before I know it the trees start thinning and small house appear. It seems like a couple could live in them not a family.

"This is were banished and rogues wolves tend to come and have a place to sleep and if Floyd accepts them they become part of his rogue pack." Luke states calmly.

"So you're part of his pack?" My hand tighten on my gun. My hands are sore from holding it for so long but I have to keep the act.

"Not exactly he needs me for some things so I'm here on business at the moment─private business."

Men and woman make their way out of their small homes and stare at us weary. They feel threaten with our presences.

"Wait here," Luke stops and I listen to him. "James call Floyd we have some visitors that want to meet with him." A young male nods and runs in the direction that we were heading towards.

"Why didn't he just mind link him?" Chase rolls his eyes.

"Because they can't," he hisses out, "they're not a pack. Rogues are never going to be able to mind link each other."

"That's why a rogue is closer than a normal pack. They know they can count on each other even if they can't mentally talk to each other they know that they have each other's backs."

Chase's chest heaves and his unfaltering dark eyes stare down at Luke, "you were never part of Melany's pack." My mother's name coming out of his lips makes my knees weak. I'm here for her.

"Luke you say we have visitors," the man's voice is very deep it makes him seem older than he actually appears. His light skin seems paler since the sunlight hits him from where he stands. I can see the laugh line and his dark beard sure makes him look well into his thirties.

"Yes, we have a wolf from the Moonless pack," his eyes take me in and then slowly make their way towards Chase, "and the female is a wolf hunter."

The gasp through the crowd that has suddenly gathered surprises me, "You brought a wolf hunter into our territory." He growls and I know he is not an alpha but his tone would say otherwise.

"She was after the she wolf as well," Luke states, "she wants to be part of the group that brought down the infamous she wolf alpha," Luke looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"Yes, I even brought one of their fighters down and took him as my prisoner," the man looks at Chase.

"You," Floyd looks at Chase, "you're part of the moonless pack?"

"Recently joined yes I am." He grunts. Floyd seems to accept that bit of information.

"So a human wants to join our pack."

"Not before I see the alpha myself. I have a boss to report to and if he thinks I'm lying he would surely kill me. All he wants is for the alpha to be dethroned. I need to see her so that I can pass down that information."

"Okay Wanderer take her to the place seeks to see," Floyd smiles menacingly, my gut twists and I know I cannot trust this man.

"Come on," Luke leads Chase and I pass Floyd and there in the middle of the houses lays a huge black almost circus like tent. "She's in there." My heart hammers away at my chest. "The pup can stay out here with ─"

"No I want him to see his fallen alpha," Luke does not fight me he nods and makes his way towards pulling the slit open.

"Careful the wolves that took care of her are still in the healing process, they sure as hell took a beating."

Chase walks in and I follow. There is a huge wooden pole holding the tent up high from the middle. There are no windows except for the gaping hole above that lets a bit of sunlight to seep through. There is absolutely nothing in this dark tent except for a lump on the ground next to the pole.

Making our way I see that it my mother. A gasp escapes me and Chase arm snakes around me holding me back his lips to my ear. "Remember they can hear you," he breathes into my ear.

I nod and slowly make my way towards her. Her body is sprawled across the dirt floor. Her beautiful fierce red hair is fanned across her face. Under her hair you can see the bruises that they inflicted on her. Even though they were healing they stung me as if I were the one taking the hits. Her beautiful eyes closed. Her wrist are chained with blisters filling bubbling where ever they come into contact with her cuffs. Dried blood trickles down her neck and vanishes beneath her clothes.

"Alpha Hunter," I try to make my voice said monotone but the bubble of emotions in my throat made it too hard.

I wanted to yell at her tell her that she's going to be okay. I want to tell her ─ Mom, I'm here. Mom, I'm so sorry. I love you!

My shaking body makes me want to drop to the ground and curl up next to her. Chase pulls me into him. His warmth bring me closer to him. They left my mother chained to the floor like an animal. Left her all alone in this dark lifeless place. I bury my face into Chase's chest fighting back the sob that threaten to rise out of me.

The rattling of chains and a hiss of pain pulls me out of Chase's chest and I look at my mother her grey hazed eyes lock on mine.


Updated 6 almost 7 hours ago and here we go again. BOOM BABY!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Tell me your thoughts.

Well goodnight it's almost 2am and I'm exhausted.

nfoosh I updated for you girlie I hope you enjoyed it. ☺

Happy Reading~JudyQ22

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