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Dear Journal,

It appears that everyone knows everyone here better than I do. I met someone new at party. He has no idea who I am and I like this. Mysterious new girl always seemed to intrigue me in stories now I get to be one.


Chase wants to get another drink since the first one vanished in a matter of seconds. I told him he could have mine but he said that he could get another one. I lift the cup up to my lips and the clear liquid pours into my mouth, Sprite.


My eyes go back to the crowd and Luke is gone. My eyes scan the nearby people and he is nowhere to be found.

"Awe Angel I'm right here," his words surprise me and my cup slips through my fingers as my drink splatters everywhere. I turn and stare at Luke as a huge smile appears on his lips.

"What makes you think I was looking for you?" I hiss as I wipe my hands on my leggings.

Great! This is going to get sticky!

"Your eyes got wide when you looked in my direction and I wasn't there," he smirks.

"You're stupid, I have to go!" I glare at him.

"Did I make you mad?" He moves closer to me since I am still standing there looking at him.


"Then why am I under the impression that you're mad?"

I don't know jackass maybe because I am.

I shrug and turn in the direction of the kitchen. Chase is making his way towards me, "Bye Duke!" I yell at him and start walking towards Chase but I can hear Luke say.

"Duke? My name's Luke!"

"Hey, do you happen to know where the bathroom is?" I ask when I reach him and Chase nods and motions for me to follow him with his chin.

Chase leads me through the group of people down the hall and to the right where the people start thinning out until we finally reach the bathroom.

"Are you serious? No line! No girls banging on the door!" I open up the door and it is a small bathroom but empty nonetheless.

"Everyone thinks the restrooms are up stairs." Chase grins at me and I smile back.

"Thanks." I walk inside and close the door. Scrubbing my hands with the soap I hear something outside the door and it seems to be getting louder. Turning the faucet shut I can hear the voices clearly now.

"Why are you acting like this Chase I've always loved you! Even when we found we weren't each other's mates I still loved you and you dumped me!"

"I don't seem to recall it like that. I fucken loved you Brooke and when you found out we were not mates you went after the nearest male so go cry your sob story to someone who cares!"

He doesn't like her anymore. She dumped him when she shifted that bitch.

"Do you think your mate is that little runt of the pack?"

"Watch how you speak of her. She is destine to be so much more than you can imagine," I can hear something muffled and then Brooke speaks again.

"Mark my words she'll end up breaking your heart Chase."

"I never said I loved her."

"You don't have to say it. I see it in the way you look at her the way you stare at any male that comes near her. Let's be honest Chase that was how you would look at me but with her there is something different."

Chasing Melody {Book 2}✔Where stories live. Discover now