Chapter 21: School Is Back in Session

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No One POV

A week had passed since the whole School tournament thing and well you'd think Satanael would be a bit cocky right? Well nope he sees that as a side quest since to him it wasn't really a big accomplishment. If it was a regular Pokémon league then yeah he would've been more out there with his victory.

But overall ever since the tournament Lehua had sent him some samples of Hawaiian Punch which is the drink he's being sponsored by, he even sent over some stuff as well like a shirt and a few headbands.

Out of all the things he sent the more valuable things was...the TM's. Well he isn't much of an expert on that but he's heard that certain TM's can be quite expensive, but Lehua being able to afford these should be expected.


Dragon Claw

Those were the 2 TM's Lehua had sent him along with the merch and the bottles of the drink as well, in which both him and even Ai had enjoyed.

But it was yet another week of school and well the next arc/thing that's for the school is...parent orientation which means that the students parents or any relative will be able to come onto the school grounds.

"I'm sure you all know that it's around that time of the school year that we have orientation week, which is 1 of 2 that we'll have throughout the year." Mr.Sanchez had explained to the class as most of them groaned.

" this story actually has parents?" Satanael asked confused.

"Um yeah I'm sure everybody has parents not sure what you mean by that?" Sanchez had replied to him confused.

"Oh yeah I forgot you don't have the 4th wall break powers."

"Your a weird student you know that?"

"And you're a little bitch."

As you can see...nothing much had changed from Dalton Satanael as he's still this unhinged asshole that attends the school, but at least he doesn't brag about being the winner of the School Tournament.

Small Timeskip

It's now lunch break as everyone can do their own thing and that's what Dalton is gonna do, as usually Paul and Josiah would join him but they are doing their own thing at the moment and well...they just need to be prepared for the orientation.

But this time he wasn't alone, as Ai Hoshino(yes she's in the story if you remember) had walked besides him as he noticed her presence and groaned slightly.

"Ok what do you want now?" He asked with a groan as she pouted.

"You could at least act happy to see me geez."

"I don't need to when we literally stay in the same dorm room and see each other pretty much everyday."

"T-that's true but still tho, but where are you going to eat?" She asked as she leaned forward.

"For stater's I'm gonna skip this last part of class since it's boring asf and I'm gonna go back to the dorm to take a nap and afterwards I'm going to the training area." He told her as Ai had figured that.

"Do you have to train like...EVERYDAY? Couldn't you go without training for a change?" Ai asked him as he just stared at her.

"Yes I could but I do take at least 2-3 days off for not only me but my Pokémon as well, even though we won that stupid tournament that still won't stop me. But speaking of which you should also get to training as well."

Dalton said as he glanced at her which made her a bit uncomfortable, she isn't much of a battler and literally has no idea what the hell she's doing but he does get pointers every now and then in the dorm room. Speaking of dorm rooms everybody suspect that the two of them are fooling around in there but their now.

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