Chapter 20: End of The Class Tournament

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No One POV

The final battle between Dalton and Amethyst is about to begin as Dalton has his shiny Lucario out and as for Amethyst she has her Bisharp out, and it's not a good match up considering that it has a 4x weakness to Fighting type Pokémon.

As throughout this entire battle Dalton had made a fool out of her and pretty much made quick work of the Pokémon she used before hand, Amethyst knew that she can't win against someone like him and it made Maukana annoyed.

"Dammit Bisharp is at a huge disadvantage since he's extremely weak to Fighting type Pokémon, I'm in deep shit right now." She thought to herself.

"I expected more from you Amethyst with all that talk about beating me earlier was nothing but hot fucking air." Satanael had said to her to mock her as she grit her teeth.

"Just you wait Dalton there is someone out there in this school that will beat you and will make you drop that smirk off your face."

"Hahaha I'd like to see that shit happens actually since you said the same thing about you beating me...and look where it's got you."

"Tch, use Night Slash now Bisharp."

"Block it using Bone Rush."

The 2 Pokémon charged at each other as Bisharp's glowing bladed like hand had aimed at Lucario but he created a staff out of aura to block the attack and deliver a kick toward him sending him back a bit.

"Now use Blaze Kick Lucario."

"Quick dodge it Bisharp." Amethyst had said to him a bit desperately.

It was too late as Lucario had already smashed his left leg across its face as he was sent flying backward dealing some great deal of damage from the super effective move, as it wasn't looking good for Bisharp.

"Dammit no matter what I do he'll be able to counter it with an attack that is super effective against him." Amethyst thought to herself.

"Use Dragon Pulse."

"Dodge it Bisharp."

The beam out of dragon energy had hurled its way over toward Bisharp who managed to roll to the side avoiding the attack as it created an explosion as it hit the ground rattling the area a bit from the impact.

"Now Bisharp use Iron Head."

As this time it was Lucario who was too slow to follow as Bisharp's sharp head had glowed a bit as he lunged forward at Lucario and struck him across the chest causing him to slide back a bit gritting his teeth.

Since it was another Steel type move he barely felt that, as it annoyed him more then doing actual damage to him.

"Should've expected that attack wouldn't do a thing to him." She muttered to herself.

"Let's end this already, use Aura Sphere."

"Slice it apart with Night Slash."

Lucario had cupped his hands together and launched the sphere of yellow aura at Bisharp who's blades like hands has glowed the light purple color again and sliced the attack in half as the 2 parts had went behind him and exploded.

"You're just delaying the inevitable you know that right, there's no way that you can win."

"Not unless I manage to make a comeback that is."

"At this point I find that hard to believe unless you have a massive case of Plot Armor."

"What like you then?" Amethyst asked as Dalton has snickered.

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