Chapter 208: Protect and Wait

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Wen Yongwei’s expression remained unchanged, but she couldn’t conceal her embarrassment at all.

Kang Cheng had not expected such a situation. “Director Luo, are you sure?”

Initially, Luo Qi wasn’t sure either. He had thought that his artist would have to use the most exquisite and beautiful makeup. In the original design, Wen Yongwei had indeed been a princess.

However, it was said that this advertisement was very important to the higher-ups this time. The plan was even sent directly to Shen Shuangnan for him to take a look at personally.

Even Shen Shuangnan, who had never cared about the entertainment industry, could see the creativity. It was clear how much the Shen Corporation valued Grace.

The higher-ups didn’t have any objections to the idea, but when they returned the plan, they had circled the word ‘Princess’ and written Jennie’s name.

Luo Qi came into contact with the first-hand creative manuscript. He had to trust in it even if he didn’t in his heart.

He confirmed, “This is what the higher-ups want.”

The higher-ups? Who?

Kang Cheng was a little unhappy. He knew that he could not lose his temper with Luo Qi, so he just said, “Director Luo, please wait for a while. I’ll go talk to the higher-ups.”

Wen Yongwei bit her lips frustratedly. It wasn’t like she couldn’t act as a poor girl, but if she was working with Jennie, where would she be as the champion?

Moreover, this didn’t match her character profile. She had yet to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, so it was impossible for her to break her character profile so quickly.

She looked at Kang Cheng expectantly.

Kang Cheng naturally wanted to fight for her, so he went to make a call.

Jennie was also preparing her makeup and hair. According to the advertisement’s plan, she would act like a princess. Yao Jiahong had already borrowed a princess dress based on the plan’s sketches, even though the filming team would provide costumes for normal advertisements.

However, if the manager was good enough, she would communicate with the director and filming crew beforehand to prepare suitable costumes for a better effect. Jennie changed her clothes quickly and came out.

Luo Qi was waiting. When he saw Jennie, his eyes lit up.

She wasn’t wearing a luxurious dress. On the contrary, it was a simple white princess dress. There weren’t many decorations, but the original color was outstanding enough. It matched Jennie’s age of just 20 years old.

Pure white was the hardest color to wear, but if one wore it well, they could truly look like an angel falling into the mortal world, or a princess falling from the heavens. Jennie was the best example of this.

Luo Qi couldn’t help but give Yao Jiahong a thumbs up. “Brother Yao, you really know your artist well!”

Yao Jiahong smiled, but didn’t say anything. After Deng Yufei’s incident, he had made everything for Jennie and had thoroughly matched her unique style.

For a period of time, he had had to listen to Jennie’s song all night to suppress the regret in his heart before he could fall asleep. This had given him a deeper understanding of her mentality.

When he worked with her, he naturally felt that it was very easy.

Wen Yongwei was not done yet, so Luo Qi communicated with Jennie first. “What we want the most from our advertisement is a feeling of beauty. It’s the feeling of taking care of a woman.”

The CEO'S Incredible Heiress (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora