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My soul was reluctant to leave the body as I reflexively held the edge of the the floor, hanging by the side.
My fingers were burning, I wondered whether the man with gun will step on my fingers.
My hands started to ache.
I felt like letting everything go.
I was ready to give in.

Suddenly, I was jerked through my waist downwards.
Someone pulled me by my waist to the floor just below.

We both fell to the ground with that person below me, my plams were burning and scratched, my abdomen hurting.

I hurriedly tried to stand up noticing the person.

" Are you okay?" I asked Roderic who was curled up in ball, examining him.

" You sure are heavy for such a chihuahua like person, Doctor." He sat on the floor looking at me.

"And You are such a jerk for a golden retriever like person"

Roderic threw his head back laughing as he slowly laid back on the ground.
I waited for him to calm down enjoying the view still feeling a little,just a little grumpy about being called heavy.

"Are we not in danger anymore." I tried to deviate the topic.

" Certainly not." He said after a decade of laughing, it wasn't even that funny, something wrong with his sense of humour I eyed him sideway.
(I Love him anyway)

" Can we go back now, I feel like shit." I look at my disheveled state. I even look like shit, covered in mud and blood.


I chose black shorts and a t-shirt, from the collection of my clothes from Roderic's house.

Almost ran to shower my tears flowing with the water. I felt fuzzy, I faced towards the direction of water closing my eyes, couldn't help but smile.

My room at Roderic's house was left as it is. It was cleaned and perfectly maintained. It feels as if I have a place in his Life. Oh yes, I have.

I dance in excitement, while calling out my inner bathroom singer, I twirl around, completely ignoring the fact that I was just kidnapped and recalling my kiss.

I am in love, and I love it.

I know there are many things awaiting for me in future they could be anything bad or good but for now let me enjoy my first and beautiful love, even if it doesn't ends well, I want to have a beautiful memory with me, In my story. Mine.

A story in which I will be the main character.


" Can I join the meeting too?" I ask Roderic who was on his way to the meeting where they were to discuss the incidents.

" I have been included in this two times in a row, don't I deserve to know." I continued looking at him with expectant gaze.

" Are you claustrophobic?"
" No."

" Motion sickness?"

" No" it's mild. I lied . I want to go.

Earning a nod, I followed behind.

We went to Roderic's office,we went to a floor, the corridors were empty that to the corner most room.

The room was empty. Nothing in a huge room.
I was examining the room when Roderic turned around and I look at his hands which he offered me , I put my hand on his.
As he pulled me in the middle of the room.

'Scan Completed ' a robotic voice annouced as I look around curiously with shiny eyes.

Roderic pulled me closer to him his hands around my waist, facing each other.

Suddenly, with noise, the floor went down .
I was pulled into a hug.
The scenario was shocking but I was busy enjoying the hug.

Wall surrounded us, as it turned into a lift as I watched with my mouth agape, clutching Roderic. So cool.

The lift went down and down.

After few minutes it stopped.
The door opened revealing a corridor, a single chandelier hung in the middle.

"Let's go" We went towards the first room in the corridor.

" wait." Roderic pulled out something from the pockets of his suit.
Mask? Not the cool ballroom ones. It was a Black mask.

" Wear it." He handed me one while wearing one himself.

Wearing the mask we were set to go.

The door opened revealing a whole lots of people, wearing formals and masks.

Music was playing in the background.
" Follow me." Roderic whispered close to my ears as we made way through the corners of the crowd.

I can feel headache coming.

After few minutes we reached another room.
Please let it be the final destination.
The door opened revealing a corridor.
I wanted to curse.

We entered a room opposite to the corridor. It was a bedroom.
I doubt meeting will be held here.

" Relax for sometimes."
I look up as realise. I thought hitting my mind.
Does he know about my motion sickness?



And I have exams. I am dying. Byee, lob you hoomans.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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