hunt night

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"Mr. Roderic! You went on mission, didn't you?"
I glared the man wearing all white, his innocent eyes looking at me.

But that can't trick me.

"...i don't know, what you are talking about, doc?"  He blinked.

" I saw you from my window, can you stop lying now."

"Miss, you really seem to have some misunderstanding, i wanna get well soon, so, that i can reconcile with crystal."
My heart ached....again.

" But I saw a figure entering in here."

How could he take his health this lightly.

" Maybe you hallucinated miss, i can assure you, i didn't went." His beautiful emerald eyes were a little teary by now.

I felt bad, conscience hit me. What if I really was hallucinating. Maybe i mistook shadow of birds or any animal for him because of my overthinking.

I couldn't say anything when he clearly refused.

I should rest now i am so tired.

With the corner of my eyes I saw roderic lips turning into a smile, making me jerk my head to look at him who was looking at me confused.

What's happening? Oh god, i seriously need rest.

I exited his room.



His face went blank as he stared at the closed door through which she just left.

Gone, was his timid and innocent demure.
As if different people his eyes held coldness and nothing else.
His aura seem to have changed, changed into something dark and dangerous.

He ran his hands through his hair, exhaling deeply while closing his eyes.When vibration of his phone caught his attention.

"Hello, boss!" He heard his subordinate.


" Boss, there's a problem....we need emergency meeting."

" I will be there!,just notify the captains, we should avoid alarming enemies."  In the blink of eyes he was back in all black.

He was ready to jump from the window when suddenly he took back his steps and went out of the room through door.

The door of the next room wasn't closed
'how defenceless" he thought and entered the room without making any noise.

His eyes examined the young girl sleeping on the bed, breathing softly. He took out a white handkerchief and sprayed something on it.

He steadily approached the bed and put the handkerchief on her nose.

After making sure she had fainted, he breathe a sigh and leaned closer to her face
" How troublesome you are doctor."

He took steps back and exited through the window, it's hunt night.


I am tired.

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