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The problem with me is that I love unconditionally.

" You do know that I seem to have lost my memories." 
I put the cup on the table, staring at him, I need more information.

For a few seconds he just stared at me contemplating something,.

" yeah, It's kinda obvious" He stated.

"Can you tell me about myself?"

" About yourself or those around you?"
He smiled which bothered me.

" Those around me.."
I muttered carefully scrutinizing his reaction.

" About whom?"
He asked but by the look of it, it was as if he isn't oblivious about whom I want to know, pompous much.

" About my father."
And I got the outcome I wanted he was startled and I smirked.

" Don't you want to know why I called you here?"
Hmp. That's what I wanted to asked. I won.

"Yes, I am all ears."
I celebrate my little victory in my mind doing a happy dance

" I will, I am just waiting for someone."

" Who?"

" Just someone you know."

I stared at him feeling of nervousness hitting me

" oh here they are." I flinched at the sudden sound

" Hey sweetie, missed me?"
There stood Lydia,wearing, a golden side slit satin dress which reached slightly about her knees, and the supreme level confidence with smile.

I unconsciously stood up with my mouth open as she gracefully took steps towards me.

She stood right infront of me, I noticed she was taller than me but was even taller when she wore heels.

Her figure reached my chin as she lifted it up,
" You can now close your mouth."
And I turned into bright red, at her blatant tease.

" *Ahem* "


"*Cough* *cough*" Senior tried to get our attention.

"Quit third wheeling young man, Can't you see we are busy."
Lydia dictated

" and what might be happening here?!"

A heard the familiar voice of Roderic
He stood in the room with his hands in his pockets, wearing white shirt and black pants, yes, he was still shining

He slowly took steps towards us, while I was busy admiring him, I failed to noticed when he reached in our close proximity.

His hands reached my hands as I was dragged towards him almost crashing into his chest.

Lydia chuckled at the act.

" let's sit down, Shall we?"it was senior


" What's your purpose of coming here?"
Roderic questioned Lydia while we sat, I was sitting next to Roderic on one Sofa while Lydia and Senior sat opposite to us.

I sat apprehensively beside him
I dared not to take even a glance of him feeling embarrassed.

" I came here to marry her" She winked at me" Remember our promise, Babe."

I felt as if I had cheated on Roderic.

" Doctor" I flinched as I heard Roderic whispering in my ears, my heart beat fastened, he was just few inches away, I could feel the warmth radiating him, I hold my breathe and the urge to bit my lips.

I was too caught up to even reply to him, what if I reply and we touch

"Can I put my hands around your waist.... please?"
I noticed his voice soften at the end and I melted, nodding subconsciously.
If I turn my face to look at him, our lips would touch. But I didn't.

His hands snaked around my waist as he pulled me closer, and I was no more in the moment.
Felt like the whole world was blur.

It was special. Because it was the first time where I know that it isn't due to some forced circumstances where he is forced to act like that, it's because he wants to.
He wants me.


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