Hanger Management - Part 3

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3rd pov:

the locusts flew down the sewer to their owner - an old man -

"Oh, well done, my little children!" he told the locust as it swarmed him

(im to tired so imma skip this part)


T-Mlilo and K-Bongo got to back from the town square and saw the mess

"But were is the food?" T-Mlilo asked as she saw the dropped food in the ground, she tried eating it but Za-Mpezi grabbed her and slumped her over shoulder

"FEED ME!! FEED ME!!" T-Mlilo complained but was stopped by Mi-Skazi and M-Kozo

"there is still more vitumbuwa at school remember?" Mi-Skazi reminded her with a gentle smile

"oh, okay, okay!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~ - (this means timeskip if u dont know)

Temwe went back to school and t the vitumbuwa stand - she was the only one left after all- she stood on her tiptoes and asked the vendor lady

"Ten vitumbuwa, please!" she asked 'nicely'

"Where were you before, eh? That boy took the last ones." she told Temwe, who had a dumbfounded face

"the last ones? the last ones..? THE LAST ONES!?" she repeated in shock

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" she shouted and look at the boy behind - specifically the boy who bought the last vitumbuwas - that ate the vitumbuwas and with an extra one he dropped it in the trash

everything went slowmo to Temwe's prespective as her eye twich at what she witnessed, she screamed and ran at the boy before jumping midair, making it look like she was about to attack the male student...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(in Mr. Nkwashi's office)

Temwe was sitted infront of Mr.Nkwashi's desk as he paced back and forth before talking

"you took things to far, Chiti" he scolded her

Temwe thought again, remembering she was fighting the rubbish bin instead of the boy with Mizu trying to stop her from destroyig school property

"it was a r-u-b-b-i-s-h bin." she answered thoughtfully

"it could have been a student!" Nkwashi thought

"Its was a rubbish bin, sir" Temwe aswered, but this time more angrily(if that's a word.)

"you have damage school property, Mizu was right when she told you to stop." he told her another reason

"don't make her a part of this conversation!" she threatened him, she didn't want Mizu to be a part of her messes

"you are suspended for the rest of the day." he told her bluntly


"Furthermore, if you actually hurt a student physically, mentally, emotionally, or even metaphorically, then you will be expelled." he told her as Temwe looked like she was about to explode

Temwe tried reasoning to Mr. Nkwashi that if she was expelled she will be sent to boarding school, but Nkwashi finished her off with him telling her to control her emotions both physically and mentally


(at the Mama K base)

Temwe went to the base were mama k was sorting her personal belongings, she didn't notice Temwe come in and continued with her business looking at a picture frame of her and and her old friends at a young and youthful age

"Mama K..?" Temwe asked, startling Mama K at the process 

"Temwe? why are you not in school?" she asked as she put the frame inside a box and looked at Temwe for an explaination

"i got suspended." she answered sadly and plopped down at the sofa

"ati susi, what?" Mama K asked again

"First a fail. then Marjory and my elbows. Then Nkwashi and hunger. Locusts ate the market. Vendors gone. Vitumbuwa gone. And that greedy bin deserved that beating. Nkwashi suspended me, and if I mess up again then I'll be expelled." she ranted and threw a pillow somewhere

"Expelled? No! Awe." she complained

"Yes, and my parents will send me to boarding school!" she whined and hugged the pillow

she proceed to blame Nkwashi as her tummy rumbled loudly it made a small earthquake

mama k made her food and talked about how Temwe should control her anger and temper instead of blaming, but all Temwe said that she was hangry(hungry and angry)


awhile later the other four arrived, all of them were fine except for one, Mizu, of course. she got a cast on her leg and a crutch, or walking stick if you don't know what it is, got the injury from one of her sport practice, which was Arnis( sa mga pipino(Filipino) dyan, wag nyo mag gawa nito, para nito so experts lang!)

"what happened to your leg?" Mama K asked Mizu

"its an injury from one of my Arnis practice, Im fine tho, i have strong bones, I even have a dislocated elbow, see!" Mizu ranted and made a perfect circle with her arm, showing the other about it( I was impressed by Ming from Turning Red)

(I am very tired so Im  gonna continue tomorrow, bye!)


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