Team 5 in the Byu Byu - Part 5

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As the three finished their transformation, we got into a pose. Temwe accidentally hit Chomps with her whip thing?? Which made Chomps bleat and a fart

"Oh! Sorry, Chomps!" Temwe apologies

Mama K laughed as she turned to Chomps, who was glaring at Temwe "Oh, it happens."

Chomps responded with a bleat and closed his eyes and stood straight

Everyone got off the table and turned to Mama K

"Now, girls, it is extremely important that you keep your secret identities secret. No one can know. Not your sister. Not your father. Not your bestie friend. Not your band mates. Not your vitumbuwa vendor." She told us

"You know about Ba Saasa?" Temwe asked

Mama K ignored her question and continued "It is for their protection as much as yours."

"Yeah. Okay" we told her

"It has been 20 years since Lusaka needed a team of heroes. If we want our people to survive, they need a team they can depend on." She told us

"But why us, Mama K?" Monde asked

Mama K chuckled as she turned to us " it's not everyday a 60-year-old lady sees four young women running into danger, shwi! Without thinking of themselves. But being a hero takes more than super strength suits and high tech gear. It takes character. Together, you possess the innate qualities this team requires." She told us

"Komana, K-Bongo, the lover of knowledge. Zee, Za-Mpezi, fast like lightning. Mizu, Mi-Skazi, Daughter of music!. M-Kozo, the bringer of peace. Temwe, T-Mlilo, full of fire."

"Aww! I wanted to be T-Lucious." Temwe whined, in response, Zee hit her head with a soccer ball

"But T-Mlilo is awesome. Fiyah!" She exclaimed

"The mind, body, soul, flow, and heart of our team. Together, you are my Team 5."

We all squealed in excitement and ran to Mama K, hugging her

"So, is Team 5 ready to save Lusaka?"

"Ya, ya, ya!" "Yes, Mama K." "Yeah!" "Yes. Mm." "Yes, yes!"

"T-Mlilo in the byu byu!" Temwe said doing some dance moves

"Eh, byu byu? As in, building?" Mama K asked

"Eya boom! You got it, Mama K!" I exclaimed

"Za-Mpezi in the byu byu." "Me too! M-Kozo in the byu byu!" "Hey, don't forget me! Mi-Skazi in the byu byu!"

Mama K chuckled as she looked at Komana, who smiled at her. Before she could join aswell, her phone rang.

"Our appointment! We're going to be late. Mizu we have to go."

I finally remembered our appointment today, I went to Komana's side and nodded

"K-Bongo, wait!" Zee started "are you in..." "The byu byu?" T-Mlilo finished her sentence

Komana looked at the three of them then glanced at her phone before answering "No."

"What?!" We all exclaimed

Komana returned to her normal form and handed her watch to Mama K, I gave her mine too.

"We need to get that scholarship from Mr. Magedzee. Mama K, we're sorry." Komana apologised

"Wait, BA jobee, you two are leaving all these nice, nice things for the ka scholarship?" Temwe asked

"Our entire future depends on it. Komana's dad and my agogo aakazi. They're both sick." I told them with tears in my eyes as Komana grabbed her machine and left.

"This is not how we're going to save the world. We can't... We can't do it all." Komana told them

"But-" "Ah, ah. Let them go. the water may be boiling on the stove, but no one can force you to pour in the mealie meal. You have to be hungry." Mama K explained

We waved goodbye as the elevator door closed, Temwe wanted to go with them but Monde's hand stopped her from going further, Temwe only looked at the elevator door.

"So, T-Mlilo's Team 3?!" Temwe said as she swung around using her whip and landed on the couch, startling Chomps.

"How does everyone feel about that?" Before she could go any further, Chomps pooped all over her. Which she groans

"Chomps?!" Temwe whined

Zee and Monde laughed at her before they heard an alarm going off.

"Ah! What is happening, T.O.M.I.?" Mama K asked as she looked at the screen

She saw another tornado in the city

"Oh, oh, oh..."

"Oh, no!" The girls exclaimed "Girls, it's Go Go time!" Mama K told them


Meanwhile, in Magedzee's office, Komana and Mizu stood Infront of Magedzee's desk

"Thank you for letting us present our project to you. Mr. Magedzee."

"Of course, Girls. We can't let a tornado get in the way of science, can we?" He asked

"No, sir." I replied

"This is our solar-powered Carbon Capture machine." Komana told him as I set it up.

"Our machine doesn't just capture carbon. It uses electricity generated from solar panels

I opened a part from the machine as Komana put a burning coal inside.

"To split CO2 into energies carbon monoxide and oxygen. Once carbon monoxide is released, it's combined with hydrogen to produce safe, synthetic carbon-based fuels." Komana explained

"Uh-huh. So we can purify dangerous CO2 from the atmosphere while producing clean fuel and oxygen at the other end. It's brilliant. How did you two choose solar as your power source?" Mr. Magedzee asked us

"Well, we looked into a number of energy resources. Geothermal, wind, even an extremely rare mineral called Zambianite." I listed

"Ah, yes, I've heard of that mineral." Mr. Magedzee told us

"But ultimately, in Lusaka, the sun was the most reliable." I told him

"Very true. And why a portable version of the Carbon Capture machine?" He asked us

"My dad developed breathing problems from the pollution and Mizu's grandma got asthma from it, and other people might be suffering the same way." Komana explained as she put another coal in the machine as it started to speed up.

"That's what I love! Technology made to benefit the lives of others. Astounding, girls! I am impressed!" He told us as we giggled

"While we have a few candidates left to interview,I can tell that you two are the top running."

We noticed something outside as we approached the giant window, we saw a huge window closed by as it moved in a circular motion

"We'll have the final results soon."

We both gasped as it was close to our house

"Agogo aakazi!"


Heyo!!! This is Zia!!! I just want to say thank you for reading my story, bye!! Have a good day/afternoon/evening!! God bless


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