Chapter 2 - Hanger Management

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3rd pov:

Today was a normal day in Lusaka, people walking outside and maybe traffic...

In Kamiji Secondary School, students were minding their own business when Temwe barged the door while talking to herself

"Twenty percent!?" She shouted as she bumped into someone 'accidentally'


"A fail" Temwe exclaimed as she walked past the others

Komana was checking out her watch, while Monde and Zee watched Temwe walk by, no sign of Mizu anywhere

"Doesn't turning it in, count for something, sure?!" She whined

"Temwe, code red." Zee told the two girls

"We better make sure she doesn't hurt anyone. Like what happened with Mizu when she was on her monthly."

They thought of the time when Mizu had a bad mood when it was the time of her month, she kicked a student to the trash, ate all the food in the canteen, hit everyone with a frisbee, and most importantly, had a mental breakdown in art class

The three girls shuddered remembering it

"Not to mention, where is she?" Zee asked Komana

"She said she'll be running late for something important." Komana replied

"Okay, enough chit chat let's go get Temwe." Monde reminded them

Temwe bumped into Marjory, causing Marjory to almost fall "Hey! Excuse you, half-pint! Watch your elbows!" Marjory told Temwe, causing her to stop, her eye twitching

"Ati whati?" Temwe turned around " What did you call me?" She asked

"Half-pint. Similar to tiny, minuscule, insignificant." Mr. Nkwashi told her as Temwe turned to look at him with gritted teeth "though name-calling will not be tolerated in this school."

Temwe looked like she could have a mental breakdown (like Mizu's but, her's was worst)

A hand rubbed Temwe's as Monde and the others covered her, smiles on their faces. Temwe looked up to see, Mizu. She smiled at Temwe as she looked at Mr. Nkwashi and listening to their conversation as Temwe hugged her and her face buried in her chest
(Mizu: Oi! I'm flat!)

"Perhaps we should add it to the curriculum if students don't know its definition." Mr. Nkwashi suggested

"Thank you, Mr. Nkwashi, sir." Komana thanked him

"I'm sure that will help Temwe with her test." Monde said as she looked at her back

They left with Temwe clinging to Mizu, not wanting to let go. Unfortunately for Temwe, they got separated but Mizu was still beside her

"Wena! You can't let your anger get the best of you." Monde told Temwe

"This is not Temwe's happy time. These people are trying me." She groans

"How about we get some good chow, him? Maybe a katumbuwa." Zee suggested

"Yeah, I am starting to get hungry ka." Temwe told Zee

Komana then leaned closer to Komana

"Komana, my lower abdomen kinda hurts." She whispered

Komana's eyes widen, is it the time?! She thought and looked at the calendar, which only made her eyes widen more oh no!

Komana pulled Monde and Zee aside and leaned closer to them

"What's wrong Komana?" Monde asked her

"Code Velvet! It's Mizu's time of the month!" She whispered-shouted at them

The two's eyes went wide as Zee pulled out some pads and nodded to the both of them

Mizu's lower abdomen started to hurt even more, she thought it was something that she ate. She felt a tap on her shoulder as Zee handed her some pads, (she's only comfortable with pads), she thanked her and excused herself to the bathroom

"What was that?" Temwe asked Zee
"It's her time of the month." Zee replied

"What time of the month?" She asked again
"She's on her menstruation." Komana told them

"I still don't get it." Temwe deadpanned

"You'll get it soon." Monde replied

As the four got in line their power watches started beeping, Mizu ran to them catching her breath. She pointed at her watch as the other nodded, she wiped some sweat from her forehead and put her hand on her hips

"Awe. Awe. Whatever is about to happen my stomach says no." She whined as Mizu picked her up and onto her back

"Sisi, come on. We'll be back now, now."

She wanted to go back but Mizu held her tight and ran up to the others

They arrived at an empty hallway and checked their ear pieces

"Team 5! There is a swarm of locusts attacking the market." Mama K told us

"Locusts!?" "I haven't had a good fight since Storm Drain." "They better be yummy cause I'm craving for food!" Mizu exclaimed as the others looked at her

"What? I'm craving food." She told them as they went back to mind their business

"Are we being downgraded from real villains to insects?" Temwe asked sarcastically

"Mm-mm. Not just locust. Metal-eating locusts." Mama K told us

"Nah. I already don't do insects and now they're eating metal?" Monde complained but gasped as she saw Mr. Nkwashi Infront of us

We all quietly went inside a room to transform

We all got out of school without getting caught by anyone.

"Let's go, Team 5!" Komana exclaimed

Suddenly Temwe's tummy rumbled as she held her stomach while Mizu's lower abdomen started to get painful

" Stay strong, tummy. Stay strong." She patted her stomach as Komana deadpanned at her

"Come on, don't be so painful!" Mizu whined as she fell on the floor face first

The four looked at her then shrugged as they got Mizu on her giant frisbee and laid her on her back

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