Team 5 in the Byu Byu - Part 3

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3rd person

"Woah!" "What?" "Are you serious?" "Ati, what?" "So cool!" The girls exclaimed

Temwe stopped when she heard Chomps bleats, she turned to her right and looked at Chomps.

She realized that Chomps never went with them in the elevator. She pointed up then down as she scratched her head in confusion.

"Wait, does Mr. Nkwashi know about this?" Temwe asked Mama K.

Mama K laughs and replied "No. He just thinks you're volunteering at the stand above."

"This is my little secret." She told us

"What is this place?" Komana asked

"Many years ago, I was part of a secret government agency, working in these very headquarters, fighting evil forces in our City." Mama K explained

"Sha! This Gogo is lekker." Zee told Mama K.

"Eh, eh , eh. Did you just say evil forces? Evil how?" Monde asked

"As I was saying,things are not what they seem. T.O.M.I., pull up from footage from yesterday."

"Pulling up footage."

"Artificial intelligence!" Both Komana and Mizu say in unison

"Artificial boyfriend." Temwe whispered to Komana and Mizu, earning a chuckle from Mizu

Who quickly stopped and cleared her throat.

"Ah. Technology Operations Management Interface. T.O.M.I." Mama K told them

One of the screens showed the tornado from yesterday.

"T.O.M.I., zoom in, please" Mama K asked

"Zooming in"

The footage zoomed in the tornado and saw a figure inside it

"Woah, woah, woah. Is that a guy caught in the tornado?" Monde asked

"He's not caught in it. Basa he's controlling it." Komana told them all

                    Cliffhanger today!

Hey guys! It's Ziannah here. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I cut it in half bc I'm so tired and school is coming so I'll be busier than never. But I hope you like it God bless and have a good day/afternoon/night!

Words: 303

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