Episode 3: Troubling Secrets

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Bellwood Ben's Home
11:34 PM

As the group arrived at Ben's house, Ben stepped out of Kevin's car. "I guess this is it for now. Thanks for the ride, Kevin," Ben expressed.

"Don't mention it, dude," Kevin replied with smile.

"Take care of yourself, Ben." Gwen added from the front seat.

"I will."

After dropping off Ben, they parted ways. Ben reached into his pocket for the spare keys and unlocked the door. Inside, he found his mom, Sandra, washing dishes, and his dad Carl reading the newspaper on the sofa.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad, I am home." Ben called out as he entered the house, his presence filling the room.

"Ben, how was your day?" Sandra asked, still at the sink. "It's more like how your night went? Mind telling us why that is?" Carl chimed in, folding his newspaper with a knowing look.

"Today was the Football Final at school and guess who won?" Ben said with a grin, proudly displaying his medal.

Carl's eyes lit up seeing the medal. "That's my boy," He said with a hint of pride. Sandra enveloped Ben in a hug, saying, "Congratulations, Ben. We're so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mom, Dad."

"Take a seat with your dad. I'll make you your favorite dish. Bet you're starving," Sandra said, a playful smirk on her face as Ben's stomach growled in agreement, earning a chuckle from her.

After Sandra served dinner and Ben finished his meal, Carl brought up a sensitive subject. "So, Ben, did you tell Max about this? Your grandpa would've loved to hear about your victory," He said, his tone gentle yet probing, mindful of Ben's bond with his grandfather.

Ben felt a jolt at his dad's sudden question, unsure how to answer and explain Max's absence and his secret mission without revealing too much. His expression was not missed by his parents either.

"Um... I did tell him, Dad. He seemed kinda you know proud." Ben said nervously with a seepish smile, his eye twitching. Sandra and Carl exchanged concerned looks.

"Benjamin, I can tell when you're not being honest," Carl said firmly.

"I'm not lying, Dad." Ben replied in defense, his eye twitching once more.

"Oh really? Then why's your eye acting up? That's not just a coincidence right?" Sandra added, her tone tinged with sarcasm.

Ben, already being a poor liar, found himself in a bind. "Tell us what's really going on, Ben. You've been acting surprisingly strange since Carl asked that question. And football games don't go on late enough for you to come home at this hour," Sandra pointed out, her worry evident in her eyes as she looked at Ben. "We're your parents. If something's bothering you, you can talk to us."

That's when Ben remembered something in last encounter with All Might.


"But there's one problem we both have." Ben said getting the attention of group. "And what's that Tenneyson?" Kevin chimned in.

"Our parents, how are we going to convince them getting us to Japan? They would like to know a valid reason." He trailed which left All Might and Kevin wondering.

"I am sure Ben they will be fine. We will just tell them that we will be going on a vacation together in Japan and...." Gwen was quickly cut off by Ben, "Our identities will be revealed sooner or later to this world, Gwen. I am worried about all the villians we faced up until now. They will do everything they can to hurt Ben 10 or possibly worse."

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