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The next morning, I decided to get up early and go to school, for the first time. I'm always a late comer before and always get scolded by the teacher hehe.

"Hmm I didn't know the morning feels this good." I am walking now and enjoying the sunrise on my skin.

"What are you, a vampire?"

I was startled again by the voice that came from behind. He's there again. "My gad! You will give me a heart attack!"

He chose not to answer and walked pass by me. Hmmp what a snob. Very different from his mother who is jolly and friendly. 

I just stood there and stare at his back. Wait, what is he wearing? A club uniform? Sports club I guess. There's a school name on the back of his track jacket. 

"Hey wait!" I called him and he stopped without facing me so I went to his front. "I'm Hazel. Your mom went to me last night and gave me foods. That was delicious, can you give my thanks to her?"

He just nodded and put his facemask. Why is he wearing that? Is he sick? Or ... hey I don't have a bad breath. He's rude. 

I think he noticed my glare at him."I don't want to consume germs in the air."

I glared at him even more. "I don't have a bad breath and germs. You're being rude Mr." I said pretending to be hurt by what he said hihi.

"I didn't said it comes from you."

"It's just the same! You're talking to me so of course I will think that you're disgusted on me by wearing a facemask." I complained.

He sighed. "Okay my fault. I'm goi-"

"Hazeeeel!" we were interrupted when we saw Kenji running towards us and yelling my name. Wow in fairness, he looks very handsome. I might have a crush on him hehe.

"Kenji. Good morning." I greeted when he stopped.

He's still out of breath. "Morning Hazel and.." he looked at my neighbour. "Airon, how's the practice match yesterday?"

Airon? Is that his name? And they knew each other? Yea they're wearing the same uniform. Okaaaaay so what now.

"Just fine." he said and left. 

"Hazel you know him?" Kenji asked. We started walking.

"No not really. I just happen to be their new neighbour."

"Ahh. That is Airon Miguel Smith. We're on the same club." - Kenji.

"What club?"

"Volleyball club. Wanna join?"- Kenji.

"Definitely no. I don't want to get tired hehe."

"Hahaha 'that so? Then may I invite you to watch our practice?" - He asked and smiled at me. Very wow. Why is he so handsome for me. 

"Ehh? Don't you have classes?" 

"Our practice is before and after class. Yesterday is our practice match to another school but I didn't go with them. That's why I met you." he explained.

Love At Third SightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora