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Gwen got use to the ropes. She slept mostly at Hobies house but every once in a while would crash in my room. I've grown to like her as an individual. She is funny, charismatic and sarcastic, which I get a kick out of.

In our free time, Gwen and I would walk around the headquarters and, if we were lucky, we would find ourselves walking down the streets of Earth-928. She told me everything about her life before she joined us.

I was surprised to hear that she fought a villain with other spiders from different universes. Apparently, she grew a liking for one of them. At least that what I think, she's too stubborn to admit it.

"Y/n! Do it! NOW!" Miguel orders.

If you're wondering what and where I am right now. Then you are not alone. Not even fifteen minutes ago I was cheering on Pavitr to fit an entire double cheeseburger in his mouth with the rest of us fools. Before he could close his mouth, Miguel ran out of his laboratory- full suit and demanding us to get ready.

Now, here I am fighting a damn sandman! Like seriously, how do these types of mutations happen?

Let's recap shall we?

-Ten minutes ago-

We enter Earth-1219. The harsh wind mixes with the smell of salt. To our left is a large ocean, mixed colors of blue, green, and orange glisten in the water and dance around with the wind. Truly an amazing sight to see.

"Alright, who we fisten today?" Hobie asks, as the portal closes behind us.

Before Miguel could answer that, I feel a wave of electricity go through me. My senses alert me to move out of the way. Turning my head, I dodge an incoming....sand blast. The others jump out of the way, falling in the thick sand.

However...we watch the sand blast take Miguel. He flew back, hitting the surface water. I frown in judgment as Miguel groans in anger, whipping the wet sand off his suit before a wave knocks him back down.

Miguel didn't developed spider senses like we did. Sometimes I feel like he's a whole other breed.

We watch him for a short second more before turning back towards where the blast came from. A large disfigured pile of sand takes a shape of a man head and shoulder. His masculine arms push out of the sand and guides the rest of his body above the sand.

The first thing I notice was the green stripped T-shirt and brown khaki trousers he has on.

"Who are your friends spider man?"

The large figure towers above us, staring furiously at Peter. My spider senses go off the radar and he inches closer.

Peter takes a step towards the sandman, waving anxiously.

"I would assume you're asking me?"

"Who else would I be talking to?"

"Hah, well you see...I am not your spider man. If you want to see him than-"

"Don't lie to me. Who do you take me for?"

His closed fist moves through the air and crashes down towards Peter. Just before it made an impact, Peter leaps to the side, dodging his attack.

"What are you? Sandman?" Gwen shoots her web directly towards the sandman, yanking herself onto of his large figure.

"I was thinking more like sandy fists."  Pavtri announced, following Gwen's lead.

The sandman brandishes his arms above his head as the two make an attempt to push him off balance.

"Get him closer to the water!" Miguel orders, lifting a bench from the ground and hurling in at the massive sand beast. I find that name appealing. Sand beast.

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now